The Mekong River Commission: Does it work, and how does the Mekong Basin’s geography influence its effectiveness?
This article assesses the effectiveness of the Mekong River Commission, its impact on the policies of its members, Thailand, Lao PDR, Cambodia and Viet Nam, and their engagement...
Natural protected areas and biodiversity conservation corridors
Biodiversity conservation corridors are uninterrupted areas of forest and other habitats rich in biodiversity that link between the natural protected areas (NPA). This dataset c...
Reading Between the Lines How Politics, Money & Fear Control Cambodia's Media
This report focuses on the news media of Cambodia - television and radio stations, newspapers and, to a limited extent, the Internet. It will look at the media from a human righ...
Report of the Second Citizen Satisfaction Survey in Target Communes of the LAAR Project
The Second Citizen Satisfaction Survey follows a baseline survey carried out in 2008. The objectives of the survey were (1) to measure changes since the baseline in citizen perc...
Notification No. 1692 on the retail price of gasoline at the gasoline station
The notification is intended to show the list of gasoline prices from 16 to 31 May 2020, in which the government and with the support from gasoline distributor firms agreed to r...
Prakas No. 0198 on the implementation of the incentive Plan of the electricity consumption in Industry, Agriculture, Trade and Services from June to October 2020
Prokas No. 0198 is issued by the Ministry of Mines and Energy focus on the implementation of the incentive plan of electricity consumption in various sectors include Agricultur...
COVID-19 provincial time series dataset in Vietnam
This data lists COVID-19 confirmed cases in provinces of Vietnam along with the time series as of May 11, 2020. Ho Chi Minh city is the first place confirmed COVID-19 case. The ...
Vietname's Future Digital Economy: Towards 2030 and 2045
A new report examines the trends affecting the development in Vietnam’s digital economy until 2045. The next wave of digital technologies – artificial intelligence, blockchain, ...
Notification No. 1596 on the retail price of gasoline at the gasoline station
The notification is intended to show the list of gasoline prices from 1 to 15 May 2020, in which the government and with the support from gasoline distributor firms agreed to re...
Notification of the Ministry of Public Health RE: Designation and Main Symptoms of Dangerous Communicable Diseases (Issue 3) B.E. 2563 (2020)
Whereas it is deemed expedient to declare coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) a dangerous communicable disease as set forth in the Communicable Diseases Act 2015 for the benefit...
Regulations of central government and local government responding to COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam
COVID-19 infected case was first detected on January 22, 2020 in Vietnam. Determined to leave no one behind, the central government has been working closely to make timely polic...
Rice ATM station and Zero VND supermarket in Vietnam
In parallel with the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic in Vietnam, the economic difficulties have increased in general, especially for poor people in Vietnam. Especially when the...
The role of customary law and practices in forest and water resources management and use
The study of customary law in forest and water resources management and use of the Thai ethnic group (Thai Den group) was conducted in Muong Phang commune, Dien Bien Phu city, D...
Vietnam Rice, Farmers and Rural Development: From Successful Growth to Sustainable Prosperity
This report includes a series of research project on Vietnam's rice production and policies: 1. Moving the Goal Posts: Vietnam’s Evolving Rice Balance and Other Food Security ...
Well begun but not yet done : progress and emerging challenges for poverty reduction in Vietnam
This poverty assessment, presented in this book, takes a fresh look at the lives of poor men, women, and children and explores the constraints and opportunities they face in ris...
Program participation in a targeted land distribution program and household outcomes: evidence from Vietnam
The authors estimates whether a land reform program led to higher incomes for ethnic minority households. In 2002, in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, Program 132 directed the ...
Decision 1722/QD-TTg approving national target program for sustainable poverty reduction 2016 2020
The decision aims to achieve sustainable poverty reduction objectives and prevent poverty relapse; make contribution to the economic growth, guarantee social security benefits, ...
Agriculture and forestry export in 2005 is targeted to reach 4.5 billion USD
This is a web archived describing Vietnam agriculture and forestry export performance in 2004 and estimation for 2005
Decision 899/QĐ-TTg approval Agriculture restructuring plan towards raising added values and sustainable development
The programme aims to: 1.Sustain the growth, raise the efficiency and competitiveness by raising the productivity, quality, and added values; satisfy the demands of consumers in...
Decision 1819/QĐ-TTg approving Agriculture restructuring plan 2017 - 2020
The 15th National Assembly during its second meeting issued Resolution No. 24/2016/QH14 on economic restructuring 2016 – 2020 and Resolution No. 32/2016/QH14 on improving effect...