Digital Government and Open Data Readiness Assessment
The Digital Government Readiness Assessment aims to find out about the potential for digital government development in Vietnam by looking into 07 key dimensions: Leadership and ...
Vietnam Import-Export Report 2018
Vietnam Import-Export Report 2018 provides useful information on import and export activities in 2018; export and import market situation; negotiations and implementations of co...
Affirming the role of agriculture sector in Vietnam’s economy
This is an archived webpage describing the role of agriculture sector to Vietnam economy.
Strategic environmental assessment of the strategic planning framework for fisheries in Cambodia
The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) addresses the Strategic Planning Framework for Fisheries 2010-2024 (SPF) and the National Aquaculture Development Strategy Policy (N...
Transforming Vietnamese agriculture : gaining more from less
Over the past quarter century, Vietnam's agricultural sector has made enormous progress. Steady advances in smallholder rice productivity and intensification through the 1990s a...
Employment in agriculture (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate) - Vietnam
This is an archived webpage providing information on employment in agriculture of Vietnam
Vietnam: GDP share of Agriculture
This is an archived webpage providing information on value added in the agricultural sector as percent of GDP from 1986 to 2018
National guidelines on complementary package of activities for referral hospital development 2014
National Guidelines on Complementary Package of Activities for Referral Hospital is a standard for a referral district hospital, referring to facility, equipment, supplies, huma...
Sub-decree No. 02 on land reclassification
The 747 hectares of state land in Svay Chreas commune, Snoul district, Kratie province, where rubber were planted and was subjected to economic land concession, has been reclass...
Sub-Decree No. 124 on the Tax Incentives for Qualifying SMEs Operating in Defined Priority Sectors
The Sub-Decree aims to introduce important tax incentives for qualifying small and medium enterprises operating in defined priority sectors in Cambodia.
Social support during the COVID-19 epidemic season in Vietnam
The COVID-19 pandemic caused millions of workers in Vietnam to be severely affected, especially unskilled, low-income, irregular workers or those currently enjoying social prote...
Impacts of Mekong river erosion in Dong Thap province
The data provides information on impacts of climate change on Mekong river erosion, the number of collapse house, the number of houses relocated, the number of houses replaced a...
Sub-decree No.04 on the modification of the 4,815 hectares land of Veal Samnab lake system located in Kandal province to be state public property
Land parcels of 275 hectares of the 4,815 hectares land of Veal Samnab lake system located in Prek Luong, Prek Takov, and Svay Chrum commune, Khsach Kandal District, Kandal prov...
Sub-decree No.05 on the reclassification of the 886.3705 ha land to the state private land located in Svay Chrum, Prek Takov, and Prek Luong commune, Ksach Kandal district, Kandal province
The 886.3705 hectares of public land located in Svay Chrum, Prek Takov, and Prek Luong commune, Ksach Kandal district, Kandal province were reclassified as state private land an...
Sub-decree No.01 on the modification of land border in the annex of Sub-decree No.160 on the reclassification 407 hectares of land as state private land located in Ream commune, Prey Nob district, Preah Sihanouk province, dated on 5 November 2019
This Sub-decree was issued with the decision of modifying land border in the annex of Sub-decree No.160 on the reclassification 407 hectares of land as state private land locate...
Contact numbers of the ten police posts in Takhmao town
The police inspectorship of Takhmao town has published brochures providing telephone numbers of the 10 administrative police post chiefs for people to contact when facing problems.
Cambodia Industrial Development Policy 2015 – 2025
The IDP is adopted as a guide to promote the country’s industrial development that will help maintain sustainable and inclusive high economic growth through economic diversifica...
Prakas No. 159 on the Instruction on Implementation of Tax Incentives for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
This Prakas aims to provide guidelines for the effective implementation of Sub-Decree No. 124 ANK.BrK dated 2 October 2018 on the tax incentives for small and medium enterprises...
List of Union Ministers
This data set contain a list of Union Ministers of Myanmar.
Coronavirus data in Vietnam
Combination of datasets relating to covid-19 in Vietnam.