Sub-decree No. 66 on establishment of Kiriyong natural heritage site
This Sub-decree establishes Kiriyong natural heritage site which has areas of 984.31 (nine hundred eighty-four hectares and thirty-one acres) located in Treng and Raksmey Songha...
Sub-decree No. 64 on establishment of Phnom Prampi natural heritage site
This Sub-decree establishes Phnom Prampi natural heritage site which has areas of 353.9 (three hundred and fifty-three hectares and nine acres) located in Bour commune, Phnom Pr...
Sub-decree No. 68 on establishment of Phnom Preah Netr Preah natural heritage site
This Sub-decree establishes Phnom Preah Netr Preah natural heritage site which has areas of 13 (thirteen hectares) located in Preah Netr Preah commune, Preah Netr Preah district...
Sub-decree No. 69 on establishment of Phnom Preah-Phnom Veng natural heritage site
This Sub-decree establishes Phnom Preah - Phnom Veng natural heritage site which has areas of 1500 ha (one thousand five hundred hectares) located in Thma Puok commune, Thma Puo...
Sub-decree No. 72 on establishment of Phnom Svay natural heritage site
This Sub-Decree establishes Phnom Svay natural heritage site, which cover an area of 16 hectares (sixteen hectares), located in O'Ambel commune, Krong Serei Saophoan, Banteay Me...
Sub-decree No. 71 on establishment of Phnom Bak natural heritage site
The Sub-decree is about the establishment of the Phnom Bak natural heritage site, sized of 36 ha (thirty-six hectares) located in Teukthla commune, Serei Saophoan district, Bant...
Sub-decree No. 70 on establishment of Phnom Yeaysom natural heritage site
This Sub-Decree establishes Phnom Yeaysom natural heritage site which has areas of 416 hectares (four hundred sixteen hectares) located in Toul Pongro commune, Malai district, B...
Resources and Rules of the Game: Participation of Civil Society in REDD+ and FLEGT-VPA Processes in Lao PDR
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) aims to achieve its purpose by working across multiple sectors and involving multilevel actors in reducing ...
Notification Re : Extension of Duration of the Declaration of an Emergency Situation in all areas of the Kingdom of Thailand (2nd Extension)
It is necessary to extend the period of emergency declaration for another period In which the government will assess the situation which may increase strictness or ease the enfo...
Lower Mekong Initiative Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Policy Dialogue
This archived web page of archived content is a fact sheet on the US's commitments to gender in the Lower Mekong Region.
Integrating gender in transitions to renewable energy in the Lower Mekong Region
This is a discussion brief on integrating gender into renewable infrastructure development in the Lower Mekong Region.
Approaches to SDG 17 Partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
This publication intends to offer a first approach to Sustainable Development Goal 17: “Partnerships for the Goals”. It includes the perspectives and views of different networks...
Measuring Capacity
What is the measure of capacity? This paper on Measuring Capacity attempts to help development practitioners unbundle this question. First, by defining the starting point: an in...
Partnering for Sustainable Development Guidelines for Multi-stakeholder Partnerships to Implement the 2030 Agenda in Asia and the Pacific
In answering the call of the 2030 Agenda and of Sustainable Development Goal 17 for revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development, the Economic and Social Comm...
Advancing partnerships for the implementation of the regional road map for implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific
In accordance with paragraph 39 of the regional road map for implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific, reviews of progress on implementat...
Means of Implementation
This archived webpage describes the Means of Implementation with respect to UNESCAP's role with the SDGs.
This archived webpage describes the role of UNESCAP.
South Asia: Earthquake and Tsunami - Dec 2004
This is an archived webpage of a description of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami.
WHO says it no longer uses 'pandemic' category, but virus still emergency
This is an archived webpage of an article on the definition of pandemic used by the WHO.
Rolling updates on coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
This is an archived webpage from March 17, 2020 on the COVID-19 pandemic.