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ប្រធានបទ: Infrastructure

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  • Infrastructure Development in Lao PDR

    This report aims to provide an overall situation of the infrastructure development in Lao PDR through a review of the infrastructure development process in the country. The...

  • ADB and the Sustainable Development Goals

    The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a universal call to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all. They form part of the 2030...

  • AIIB Proposed Projects as of April 2018

    dataset on AIIB proposed projects

  • AIIB Approved Projects as of April 2018

    Dataset of projects approved by AIIB.

  • Catalyzing Green Finance: A Concept for Leveraging Blended Finance for Green Development

    The origins of this publication can be traced back to discussions between an Asian Development Bank (ADB) team led by Ayumi Konishi, director general for East Asia Department,...

  • Meeting Asia's Infrastructure Needs: Highlights

    Infrastructure is essential for development. This publication presents the highlights of a report on the current condition of developing Asia’s infrastructure—defined here as...

  • Meeting Asia's Infrastructure Needs

    In 2009, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the ADB Institute projected infrastructure needs for developing Asia from 2010 to 2020 in Infrastructure for a Seamless Asia...

  • Asian Development Outlook 2017 Update: Sustaining Development Through Public-Private Partnership

    Update on financial forecast for developing Asia.

  • ការសិក្សាវាយតម្លៃភាពជាដៃគូរវាងវិស័យឯកជន និងសាធារណៈនៅក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា៖ ឧបសគ្គ និងឱកាស

    សេដ្ឋកិច្ចប្រទេសកម្ពុជាបានប្រសើរឡើងវិញយ៉ាងខ្លាំង បន្ទាប់ពីវិបត្តិសេដ្ឋកិច្ចឆ្នាំ ២០០៨ ជាមួយនឹងកំណើននៃការវិនិយោគផ្ទាល់ពីបរទេស (FDI)។ ប្រទេសកម្ពុជាមានលក្ខណៈគួរឱ្យទាក់ទាញជាច្រើនសម្...

  • ឯកសារគោលនយោបាយស្តីពីការអភិវឌ្ឍយន្តការភាពជាដៃគូរវាងរដ្ឋ និងឯកជនសម្រាប់គ្រប់គ្រងគម្រោងវិនិយោគសាធារណៈ ២០១៦-២០២០

    ឯកសារគោលនយោបាយនេះ ត្រូវបានម្ចាស់ការរៀបចំដោយក្រុមមន្ត្រីបច្ចេកទេសជាន់ខ្ពស់របស់ក្រសួងសេដ្ឋកិច្ច និងហិរញ្ញវត្ថុ ដោយបានសិក្សាដកពិសោធន៍ពីប្រទេសមួយចំនួនលើពិភពលោកដែលទទួលបានជោគជ័យក្នុងក...

  • Food Systems and Natural Resources

    The authors provide solid evidence on the need to transition to more ‘resource-smart food systems’, an imperative for the achievement of at least 12 out of the 17 Sustainable...

  • Mekong-India Economic Corridor (Concept Paper)

    The Mekong-India Economic Corridor (MIEC) involves integrating the four Greater Mekong Countries viz. Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam (here-in after referred as Mekong...

  • Asian Development Bank Member Fact Sheet: Vietnam

    ADB supports Viet Nam in promoting job creation and competitiveness, increasing the inclusiveness of infrastructure and service delivery, and improving environmental...

  • Asian Development Bank Member Fact Sheet: Myanmar

    ADB supports Myanmar in promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, with focus on infrastructure, education and training, and agriculture and rural development.

  • Logistics Capacity Assessment: Lao People's Democratic Republic

    The Logistics Capacity Assessment (LCA) is a long-standing tool of WFP Logistics. Since 2008, it has provided an important source of information related to the logistics...

  • Lao PDR to strengthen climate-resilient road network and connectivity

    Archived news article from the Nordic Development Fund providing details of the financing of the Lao Road Sector 2 projects to develop climate resilient road infrastructure in...

  • Lao Road Assessment

    The Logistics Capacity Assessment (LCA) is a long-standing tool of WFP Logistics. Since 2008, it has provided an important source of information related to the logistics...

  • Ministry of Public Works and Transport Presents Business Case for National Road 13 Public Private Partnership in Lao PDR

    Lao People’s Democratic Republic’s Ministry of Public Works and Transport made the business case to Government Meeting recently to implement the improvements of National Road 13...

  • The Belt and Road Initiative: China’s vision for globalisation, Beijing-style

    China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a multifaceted economic, diplomatic and geopolitical undertaking that has morphed through various iterations, from the “New Silk Road”...

  • High speed rail could bankrupt Laos, but it’ll keep China happy

    Despite impressive economic growth rates over the last decade, a third of Laos’s population still lives below the extreme poverty line of US$1.25 per day. Most of the extreme...

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