Agricultural intensification for food security in rainfed rice-based systems of southern Lao PDR
Field data showed that the productivity of the rice line is strongly influenced by the nature of the flood event; whether it took place during the growth of the crop, and...
Notification of forestry department No. 0806 / Km, dated 19/10/2010 on inspection of animal transport through third countries.
Moving wildlife through Laos must requires the Provincial and capital Forest Inspectorate to strictly comply with the Law on Aquatic Animals and Wildlife
The report analyzes agriculture and forest ecosystems of Houn district in Oudomxay province
This report is to provide information on the effects of analysis and identification of ecological and forest ecosystems in the city, especially socioeconomic data and agricultur...
Final report of the social assessment for the six served provinces and two unserved provinces of the Lao PDR land titling project
A social assessment study of the provinces affected in the Government of Laos' land titling project. Includes findings and issues of the social assessment, implications to proje...
Rights and obligations of Lao citizens on land
All ethnic groups are equal in terms of law and land use right.
Rescaling and Reordering Nature–Society Relations: The Nam Theun 2 Hydropower Dam and Laos–Thailand Electricity Networks 2015
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systemat...
The cost of issuing land titles and service charges
The costs of issuance of land titles and service charges.
Promoting farmer production group and written contract farming as key success factors 2016
This paper provides an assessment of cross-border contract farming between Lao PDR and China using the case of pumpkins in Luang Namtha province. In recent years, Lao government...
Report on training of NTFP markets (Thmat, Paddy) 4 Ban Houay Manam, Nam Pe, Thapoho Huayno, Phonxay District, Luang Prabang Province
To encourage farmers to grow paddy soils in order to facilitate the boiling of paddy fields, to make farmers get higher sales prices and avoiding middle class traders in price p...
Study on urban land management and planning in Lao PDR
This study analyzes the institutional landscape, processes and track record of urban planning and land management in Lao PDR, and makes recommendations to improve fut...
Resolution of the National Assembly of the Lao People's Democratic Republic on the approval of the Law on the Bank of the Lao People's Democratic Republic, No 05 / SSPP, 14/10/1995
Resolution of the National Assembly of the Lao People's Democratic Republic on the approval of the Law on the Bank of the Lao People's Democratic Republic, No 05 / SSPP, 14/10/1995
The Presidential decree of the Lao PDR on the declaration on the transport of many forms
The Presidential decree of the Lao PDR on the declaration on the transport of many forms
Summary of survey and interview data evaluating the performance and reputation of RECOFTC - The Center for People and Forests.
Decree on the determination of 29 national forest areas in 8 provinces
Decree on the determination of 29 national forest areas in 8 provinces
Participation Land Use Planning
Twelve villagers are selected with the approval of the whole village to be members of the village Land and Forest management Committee (VLMC). The rationale for the selection...
Decree on the Establishment of the Communications Department No. 140 / PM, 07 August 2008
This amphibian approves the establishment of a specialized communications department with the National Postal and Telecommunication Department.
Decree of Minister of Local and Rural Electricity Development No. 238 / Nguyen 11/08/2005
Decree of Minister of Local and Rural Electricity Development No. 238 / Nguyen 11/08/2005
Decree on the Day of the Dead and the Lifelong Citizenship for the Nation No. 139 / June 30, 2008
The decree was signed on March 21, 1946, as a day of civil war and sacrifice for the nation.
National biodiversity strategy to 2020 and action plan to 2010
Maintain the diverse biodiversity as one key to poverty alleviation and protect the current asset base of the poor
Decree No. 128 of the Diplomat Decree No. 239 / July 23, 2008
This decree sets out the floor and regulations for diplomatic appointments of the Lao PDR as a venue for organizing, complexing and implementing policies for diplomats.