The geography of poverty and inequality in the Lao PDR
A breakdown of economic inequality and resource access in Laos based on geography.
UN Women Asia and the Pacific: Lao PDR
The webpage provides an overview of the state of gender equality in Lao PDR, as well as challenges the country faces.
Laos: Education
The page provides an overview of the state of education in Lao PDR, as well as the work that Save the Children is doing to improve it.
A Policy Snapshot of Health and Nutrition in Lao PDR
This page provides an overview of four policy notes that explain the state of health and nutrition in Lao PDR.
UNICEF Data: Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women Lao People’s Democratic Republic
This page provides data on child health, child mortality, nutrition, maternal health, early childhood, education, HIV/AIDS, child protection, and sanitation and water in Lao PDR.
Maternal death rate plunges in Lao People's Democratic Republic
The page provided a news on the improvement of maternity in Laos
Growth Cuts Absolute Poverty, but Inequality Rising in Lao PDR- ADB Study
A review of an ADB study on poverty and inequality trends in Lao PDR.
Human Development Reports: Lao People's Democratic Republic
This webpage provides an overview of human development indicators and the human development index for Lao PDR.
Asian Water Development Outlook 2016: Strengthening water security in Asia and the Pacific
Asian Water Development Outlook 2016 briefly describes the overview of the water security in Asia and the Pacific and explains how the Asia and the Paci...
Report on Participation to ADA workshop in Thailand, 24th to 26th February 2017
On 24th to 26th February 2017 Regional Workshop on National Implementation of SDGsVoluntary National Review (VNR) of UN High-level Political Forum (HLPF) held at IBIS Bangkok Ri...
This paper is talk about Laos include economic situation, background, law role, government size etc...
LIWG report: request for land information and political analyze
This study document is lesson passing for private sector and organization that participate in the project or any organization may support lao policy maker and have relationship ...
This tool have designed for government staff in district level for supporting to work with villagers
decree on poverty and development criteria
decree on poverty and development criteria
this handbook develop for improve health and livelihood concern, So main community must use natural resource by deliver from the generation, there is several different group and...
Lao Labor Migration and Remittance 2014
Lao Labor Migration and Remittance 2014
Land concession induced livelihood changes: Research on land and livelihood impacts from land concession from mono-culture tree plantation
This research was done to contribute to the debate on the economic concession model by providing local people's perspectives and experiences of the plantations, as well as to fo...
Gender and poverty issues in the forest regions of northern Lao PDR
In this study, Participatory Poverty Assessment (livelihood matrix, food seasonal calendars, mobility maps, SWOT analysis and problem cause analysis) was conducted in the 12 pro...
Turning land into capital: A review of recent research on land concessions for investment in Lao PDR
A review of existing literature related to Lao PDR's "Turning Land into Capital" policy and the status of land concessions and investment in the country. Part 1 of 2 in this rep...
Lao PDR environment monitor
The Lao Environment Monitor is the first of a series of monitors presenting a snapshot of environmental status and key trends and challenges in Lao PDR.