Decision No. 54/2006 / QD-BNN Regarding the Announcement of the List of Plants and Plants Specified in the Annexes of the Convention on International Transport of Species and Natural Flora Plants
The decision to promulgate the list of wild fauna and flora species specified in the Appendices to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and ...
Decision No. 40/2005 / QD-BNN of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development promulgating the Regulation on exploitation of timber and other forest products
This Regulation prescribes the forest management, the design of exploitation, main exploitation, full exploitation and full exploitation of forest products in production forests...
Law No. 32/2013/QH13 dated June 19, 2013 of the National Assembly on amending and supplementing some articles of the Law on Enterprise Income Tax
The National Assembly promulgates a Law on amending and supplementing some articles of the Law on Enterprise Income Tax 14/2008/QH12
Decree No. 18/2015/ND-CP prescribing environmental protection master plan, strategic environmental assessment, environmental impact assessment and environmental protection plan
This Decree, consisting of 24 articles divided into seven Chapters and four Appendixes, details a number of articles, and measures to implement the provisions, of the Law on Env...
Decision No. 200/QD-KT Decision Promulgation of Regulations on silvicultural techniques applicable to forests for production of timber and bamboo (QPN/14-92)
To promulgate together with this Decision the "Regulations on silvicultural techniques applicable to forests for production of timber and bamboo" (QPN 14 - 92) replacing the "In...
Decree No. 45/2013/ND-CP of May 10, 2013, detailing a number of articles of the Labour Code on working time, rest time and occupational safety and health
Decree No. 45/2013/ND-CP of May 10, 2013, detailing a number of articles of the Labour Code on working time, rest time and occupational safety and health. Pursuant to the Law on...
The Law No. 31/2013/QH13 dated June 19, 2013 of the National Assembly on amending and supplementing some Articles of the Law on Valued Added Tax
This law outlines amendments to the Law on Value Added Tax. It is Pursuant to the Constitution of Socialist Republic of Vietnam 1992, amended and supplemented in accordance with...
Circular No. 78/2014/TT-BTC guiding the implementation of the Government’s Decree No. 218/2013/ND-CP of December 26, 2013, detailing and guiding the implementation of the Law on Enterprise Income Tax
Guiding the implementation of the Government’s Decree No. 218/2013/ND-CP of December 26, 2013, detailing and guiding the implementation of the Law on Enterprise Income Tax.
Biennial Review and Assessment of the World Timber Situation 2015-2016
This Review reports on developments in the global timber sector and wood markets, with a focus on tropical timber, in 2015. It contains data on production and trade for 2012-201...
Circular No. 70/2011 / TT-BNNPTNT Amending and supplementing a number of contents of the ministry's circular No. 35/2011/TT-BNNPTNT of May 20, 2011, guiding the implementation of exploitation and collection of wood and forest products; circular no. 87/2009/TT-BNNPTNT of December 31, 2009, guiding the organizational operation of the ministry of agriculture and rural development
Circular to amend and supplement a number of contents of Circular No. 35/2011 / TT-BNNPTNT dated May 20, 2011 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development guiding the ex...
Decree No. 218/2013/ND-CP Detailing and guiding the implementation of law on corporate income tax
This Decree regulates in detail and guides the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on corporate income tax and the Law on amending and supplementing a number of ar...
Decree No. 19/2015/ND-CP detailing a number of articles of the Law on Environmental Protection
This Decree, consisting of 57 articles divided into nine Chapters and three Appendixes, details the following issues: 1. Environmental improvement and rehabilitation and payment...
Vietnam Tropical Forest and Biodiversity Assessment
Sections 118 and 119 of the Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) of 1961, as amended, mandate the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to undertake analysis of bio...
Decree No. 12/2006/ND-CP making detailed provisions for implementation of the Commercial Law with respect to international purchase and sales of goods; and agency for sale and purchase, processing and transit of goods involving foreign parties
This Decree makes detailed provisions for the implementation of the Commercial Law with respect to international purchases and sales of goods including import, export, temporary...
Circular No. 88/2011/TT-BNNPTNT guiding the Government's Decree No. 12/2006/ ND-CP of January 23, 2006, detailing the Commercial Law regarding international goods trading and goods agency, trading, processing and transit with foreign parties in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector
This Circular provides contents, order and procedures for the export and import of goods subject to specialized management by the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector.
Circular No. 37/2014 / TT-BCT on suspending the business of temporary import for re-export of round timber, sawn timber from native forests of Laos and Cambodia
Circular No. 37/2014/TT-BCT dated October 24, 2014 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on suspending the business of temporary import for re-export of round timber, sawn timbe...
Decision 178/2001 / TTg on the beneficiary rights and obligations of households and individuals who have been allocated, leased or loaned forests and forest lands
This Decision provides for the right to benefit and the obligations of households and individuals assigned, leased or contracted forests and forestry land by the State for prote...
Circular No. 06/2014 / TT-BLDTBXH regulations on occupational safety inspection of machinery, equipment, and supplies with strict requirements for occupational safety under the management of the Ministry of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA)
This Circular prescribes the conditions and procedures for the grant and re-grant of certificates of eligibility for technical safety-inspection activities; grant, re-grant or w...
Circular No. 37/2005 / TT-BLDTBXH Working Guide for Labor Safety and Hygiene
This Circular applies to enterprises, agencies, organizations, and individuals employing laborers, including: a. Enterprises of all economic sectors; b. Individual production ...
CITES I-II-III Timber Species Manual
The CITES Appendixes I-II-III Timber Species Manual provides the procedures for the enforcement of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora an...