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666 datasets found

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  • Covid-19 Hospital Surveillance Network for Institut Pasteur du Laos

    This dataset indicates the locations of Covid-19 hospital surveillance network for Institut Pasteur du Laos. The network hospitals include civil and military hospital. There are...

  • Detailed procedures for applying for an entry-exit permit to Lao PDR_16.12.2020

    The guideline outlines the procedures for applying for entry and exit permits to the Lao PDR (where necessary) for Lao people and foreigners.

  • National Social Protection Strategy of Lao PDR, Vision 2030, Goal 2025

    The NSPS sets strategic objectives for social protection – in the areas of health insurance, social security and social welfare – and outlines the activities to achieve these ob...

  • Decree No.606 on Group and Union

    This government decree indicates the principles, regulations and measures on the establishment, operation, management and monitoring of groups and cooperatives in order to promo...

  • Laos Population and Poverty Rate 2019

    This dataset consists of quantitative information related to population and poverty such as total population, total households, number of female, and poverty rate. The informati...

  • Protected Areas in Laos

    This GIS data is the vector representation of protected areas including national protected areas, national protection forests, and national production forests in Laos. The bound...

  • Geo-referencing of Ethnic Groups of Laos

    This ethnicity dataset (GREG) is a digital version of the paper Soviet Narodov Mira atlas created in 1964. In 2010 the GREG (Geo-referencing of ethnic groups) project, used maps...

  • Laos Protected Areas and Heritage Sites

    GIS data on Protected Areas and Heritages sites in Laos, extracted from The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA). The WDPA is a joint project of UNEP and IUCN, produced by U...

  • Poverty in Laos by province 2015

    This dataset displays under indicators of poverty, namely density, % urban population, poverty headcount, poverty gap, poverty severity, access to sanitation, water, electricity...

  • Laos Statistical Yearbook 2017

    The statistics yearbook are summarizing the data from provincial statistics Centre and from the line ministries concerned and ministry-equivalent agencies in the whole country i...

  • Poverty in Laos by district (2015)

    This dataset displays under indicators of poverty, namely density, % urban population, poverty headcount, poverty gap, poverty severity, access to sanitation, water, electricity...

  • School Information in Lao PDR 2014

    School location information in Lao PDR 2014

  • Residence areas of Lao ethno-linguistic group: Mon-Khmer

    This dataset informs the location of Mon-Khmer, one of 4 ethno-linguistic families in Lao PDR, by the proportions of residents in village, district and province.

  • GMS Major Urban Areas [Laos]

    GMS Urban Areas represents the major urban areas (polygons), with populations greater than 10,000.

  • Detail about Confirmed Cases of Covid19 in Laos

    It is a archived website about the number of confirmed cases of Covid19 from the official government website in Laos.

  • Maternal Mortality Rate (2020)

    World Bank data on maternal mortality rate to 2020

  • Adolescent Fertility Rate

    Adolescent fertility rate data from World Bank.

  • SDG 5.2 and 5.4

    Dataset on indicators for SDG 5.2 and 5.4

  • Laos kicks off new school year amid effective COVID-19 control

    Article from Xinhua Net announcing Laos school reopenings

  • Lao PDR country technical note on indigenous peoples' issues

    General report on the state of ethnic minority groups in Laos, with a focus on Lao Soung and Lao Theung