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  • Research report on existence and use of phones that permit written communication in Khmer script

    This 2013 study is one of several by the Open Institute tracking trends in phone use. The study investigates whether Khmer-language SMS can be used as a tool for government and...

  • Mobile phones and internet in Cambodia 2015

    This 2015 study is one of several by Open Institute exploring trends in phone use. The study examines Cambodian phone users’ knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to...

  • The second regional workshop on improvement of irrigation efficiency on paddy fields in the Lower Mekong Basin Project

    Proceedings of the second regional workshop on improvement of irrigation efficiency on paddy fields in the Lower Mekong Basin. The workshop was part of a project aimed at...

  • The new practice of prostitution

    This research investigates new trends in prostitution practices in Cambodia actions by the Royal Government of Cambodia to eliminate prostitution. The research was conducted in...

  • Asia-Pacific labour market update, February 2015

    This issue of the Asia-Pacific labour market update provides information on trends in employment, job quality and income inequality. The uncertain global economy and demographic...

  • Asia-Pacific labour market update, October 2012

    This issue of the Asia-Pacific labour market update provides information on trends in economic growth, job growth, youth employment and job quality in the Asia Pacific region....

  • Child labor in brick factories: Cause and consequences, a research study for campaign of combating the worst forms of child labour in Cambodia, August 2007

    As part of the campaign against the worst forms of child labour for the wellbeing of Cambodian children, LICADHO and WVC commissioned this study on children working in brick...

  • Inception report flood damage emergency reconstruction project flood management component

    "On April 2012, the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) signed a loan agreement covering the Flood Damage Emergency Reconstruction Project...

  • ASEAN guidelines for chain of custody of legal timber and sustainable timber

    These guidelines prepared by ASEAN include definitions, fundamentals, and guidelines for both legal and sustainable timber as well as a list of references used to prepare the...

  • Cambodia’s labor migration analysis of the legal framework

    An analysis of the legal framework governing Cambodia’s labour migration. The report focuses on the migration of women to Malaysia for domestic work and men to Thailand to work...

  • កម្មវិនិយោគសាធារណៈរយៈពេលបីឆ្នាំ ២០១០ - ២០១២

    របាយការណ៍ត្រូវបានរៀបចំដោយក្រសួងផែនការ សម្រាប់ទីស្តីការគណៈរដ្នមន្ត្រី។ របាយការណ៍នេះលើកឡើងពីគម្រោងថវិការ ជំនួយបច្ចេកទេស និងកម្មវិធីកំពុងដំណើរការដែលគាំទ្រដោយក្រសួងពាក់ព័ន្ធ...

  • CSCAP study group on water resources security, 2nd meeting Siem Reap 2011,Chairman's report.

    "The 2nd meeting of the CSCAP Study Group on Water Resources Security was convened on 15-16th of July 2011, in Siem Reap, chaired by CSCAP Cambodia, CSCAP Japan, CSCAP Thailand...

  • Identification and documentation of underutilized crops in Mondulkiri Province with emphasis on socio-economic aspects

    Cambodia, especially Mondulkiri province, is rich in PGRFA. Local traditional crop varieties ( landraces) known to be under-utilized have not been completely replaced with...

  • Issues affecting indigenous people of Cambodia submission by indigenous people of Cambodia

    Indigenous people are estimated to be the traditional managers of around 22% , 4 million hectares of Cambodia’s forest lands and ecosystems and have been responsible for...

  • The culture and traditional authority of indigenous peoples and the development paradigm

    The culture of indigenous peoples in Cambodia is under threat. The environment in which indigenous communities live is changing rapidly. This is having a profound impact within...

  • Building community forestry patrol stations in Kampong Thom, Cambodia

    The community in Dong Kombut, Sandan District, Kampong Thom, is highly dependent on forest resources. When the head of the community, visited Community Forestry International...

  • Cambodia's 2007 trade integration strategy executive summary and action matrix

    "To develop a more strategic view of Cambodia’s trade sector development, DTIS 2007 identifies an initial basket of 19 export potentials and examines them through a series of...

  • I want to eat fish. I cannot eat electricity: public participation in Mekong Basin development

    A volume of writings from graduates of EarthRights Mekong School, a training program for civil society advocates from the Mekong Region whose work focuses on human rights and...

  • The master plan study for promotion of the mining industry in the Kingdom of Cambodia : final report

    This report provides a road map for sustainable development and investment promotion in Cambodia's mining sector, giving due consideration to the country’s environment....

  • 2014 Summary report: Road crashes and casualties in Cambodia

    This report provides an analysis of data on road crashes and casualties in Cambodia. 4,645 crashes were reported in 2014, with on average more than 6 fatalities and almost 17...