Gender in the Myanmar Media Landscape
The Gender in the Myanmar Media Landscape report was undertaken to inform the Myanmar Journalism Institute (MJI) as well as the media industry at large on the current status of...
REDD+ and Women's Rights in Myanmar (MM)
This document summarizes how the REDD+ international safeguards and the Myanmar national social and environmental safeguards principles relate to women's rights.
MDG Country Progress Snapshot: Myanmar
The MDG Country Progress Snapshot provides an overview of the progress achieved at country level since 1990 towards the Millennium Development Goals. The snapshot is intended ma...
National Strategic Plan for Advancement of Women (2013-2022)
This comprehensive ten year National Strategic Plan targets the key areas that affect women’s lives, and indicates practical ways to address the issues that Myanmar women are ...
Women in Natural Disasters:Indicative Findings in Unraveling Gender in Institutional Responses
As the ASEAN moves toward efforts at responding to natural disaters as a region, it has yet to fully integrate the gender approach in its regional disaster response. Already in...
Cambodia MDG Acceleration Framework (MAF): Promoting Women's Economic Empowerment
Gender equality and empowerment of women are key national development objectives in Cambodia as reflected in the Government’s Rectangular Strategy (RS) and the National Strategi...
The empowerment of women in politics and the 5th legislature national assembly elections 2013
The report analyzes the data and views of Cambodian women’s participation in politics, especially the process of the 5th legislature National Assembly (NA) Elections 2013. This ...
The empowerment of women in politics and the 3rd mandate commune council elections 2012
This analysis report, “The Empowerment of Women in Politics and the 3rd Mandate Commune/Sangkat Council Elections 2012”, is an analysis of data and views on Cambodian women’s po...
Power in People: Cambodia ActionAid Strategy Paper 2013-2018
From 2013 to 2018 ActionAid is committed to advancing three strategic objectives and delivering on ten change promises. Each of their objectives falls under the banner of their ...
Cambodia atlas of gender and environment
In 2017, the Asia Foundation initiated the “Atlas of Gender and Environment” project to provide a more in-depth understanding of how gender informs environment-related vulnerabi...
Exploring gender dimensions of water insecurity and governance in the Lower Mekong Region
This brief shows how outcomes of water insecurity are rarely distributed equally, as experiences vary depending on identity issues including gender, ethnicity, race, class and a...
Graduation from Least Developed Country Status: The 5th National Human Development Report
The 5th National Human Development Report (NHDR) examines different facets of underdevelopment in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) that classify it as a Least Deve...
What can Indigenous Peoples, local communities and women expect from Global Climate and Forests Funds in terms of their rights? An introduction and comparison of Safeguards and Participation Mechanisms
As a result of the regime on ‘Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation and enhancing forest carbon stocks’ (REDD+) adopted by the UN Framework Convention on ...
Government to integrate gender in policies and programs
An overview of an advocacy workshop and program conducted by the Lao government on addressing gender issues in policy.
Gender Issues: Lao PDR
A policy brief on gender issues in the Lao PDR preapred as part of the Poverty Reduction and Environmental Management in Remote Greater Mekong Subregion Project.
Governing land for women and men
A technical guide to support the achievement of responsible gender-equitable governance of land tenure
UN Women Asia and the Pacific: Lao PDR
The webpage provides an overview of the state of gender equality in Lao PDR, as well as challenges the country faces.
Gender and poverty issues in the forest regions of northern Lao PDR
In this study, Participatory Poverty Assessment (livelihood matrix, food seasonal calendars, mobility maps, SWOT analysis and problem cause analysis) was conducted in the 12 pro...
Participatory poverty assessment: Lao PDR
The second PPA of Lao PDR, analyzing 95 villages in 47 districts to understand the experience of poor people in the country and their perspective on solutions to eradicating pov...
Understanding gender roles means that the concept of gender advocacy approaches you in an organized system and adopts a gender perspective in all the work of the organization, a...