Sub-Decree on Determining Management Zone in Nature Protection Area as Sustainable Use Zone in Beoung Per Wildlife Sanctuary
Determining 350 hectares as sustainable use zone in Beoung Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Preah Vihear and Kampong Thom provinces, and granting the land for agro-industry, rubber pla...
Sub-Decree on Reclassification of 9,000 hectares of land in Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary in Ratanakiri province
Reclassifying 9,000 hectares as state private land in Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary in Ratanakiri province for agro-industry and rubber plantation investment under concession condi...
Sub-Decree on Determining Management Zone in Nature Protection Area as Sustainable Use Zone in Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary in Ratanakiri province
Determining 9,000 hectares as sustainable use zones in Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary in Ratanakiri province, and granting the land for agro-industry and rubber plantation investmen...
Sub-Decree on Reclassification of State Permanent Forest Reserve and Granting Economic Land Concession to Private Company for Agro-Industru Investment
Classifying 5,200 hectares of forest land in Permanent Forest Reserve in Samlot district of Battambang province as conversion forest for development purposes and reclassifying t...
Sub-Decree on Reclassification of State Permanent Forest Reserve and Granting Economic Land Concession to Private Company for Rubber Plantation Investment in Kratie province
Classifying 479 hectares of forest land in Permanent Forest Reserve (forest concession area of SL. International Ltd) in 2 Thnou commune of Snoul district in Kratie province as ...
Sub-Decree on Reclassification of 410 hectares of land in Beoung Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Kampong Thom and Preah Vihear provinces
Reclassifying 410 hectares as state private land in Beoung Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Kampong Thom and Preah Vihear provinces for agro-industry, rubber plantation and animals rai...
Sub-Decree on Determining Management Zone in Nature Protection Area as Sustainable Use Zone in Preah Vihear and Kampong Thom provinces
Determining 410 hectares as sustainable use zone in Beoung Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Preah Vihear and Kampong Thom provinces, and granting the land for agro-industry, rubber pla...
Sub-Decree on Reclassification of 1,400 hectares of land in Oaral Wildlife Sanctuary in Am Leang commune of Thporng disrict and Trapeang Cho commune of Oaral district in Kampong Speu province
Reclassifying 1,400 hectares as state private land in Oaral Wildlife Sanctuary in Am Leang commune of Thporng disrict and Trapeang Cho commune of Oaral district in Kampong Speu ...
Sub-Decree on Determining Management Zone in Nature Protection Area as Sustainable Use Zone in Oaral Wildlife Sanctuary
Determining 1,400 hectares as sustainable use zone in Oaral Wildlife Sanctuary in Am Leang commune of Thporng district and Trapeang Cho commune of Oaral district in Kampong Speu...
Sub-Decree on Reclassification of 1,646 hectares of land in Beoung Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Preah Vihear province
Reclassifying 1,646 hectares as state private land in Beoung Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Preah Vihear province for agro-industry (rubber plantation) investment.
Sub-Decree on Reclassification of 8,998 hectares of land in Virakchey National Park in Ta Veng district of Ratanakiri province
Reclassifying 8,998 hectares as state private land in Virakchey National Park in Ta Veng district of Ratanakiri province for agro-industry and rubber plantation investment.
Sub-Decree on Reclassification of 8,841 hectares of land in Chheb district of Preah Vihear province
Reclassifying 8,841 hectares as state private land in Mlu Prey 1, Mlu Prey 2, and Sangke 2 communes of Chheb district in Preah Vihear province for rubber, accacia and sugar cane...
Sub-Decree on Determining Management Zone in Nature Protection Area as Sustainable Use Zone
Determining 2,995 hectares as sustainable use zone in Beoung Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Kampong Thom province, and granting the land for agro-industry, rubber plantation and anim...
Sub-Decree on Determining Management Zone in Nature Protection Area as Sustainable Use Zone in Beoung Per Wildlife Sanctuary
Determining 2,496 hectares as sustainable use zone in Beoung Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Kampong Thom province, and granting the land for agro-industry and rubber plantation inves...
Sub-Decree on Reclassification of 9,700 hectares of land in Kulen-Prumtep Wildlife Sanctuary in Oudor Meanchey and Preah Vihear provinces
Reclassifying 9,700 hectares as state private land in Kulen-Prumtep Wildlife Sanctuary in Oudor Meanchey and Preah Vihear provinces for agro-industry investment under concession...
Sub-Decree on Determining Management Zone in Nature Protection Area as Sustainable Use Zone in Kulen-Prumtep Wildlife Sanctuary in Oudor Meanchey and Preah Vihear provinces
Determining 9,700 hectares as sustainable use zones in Kulen-Prumtep Wildlife Sanctuary in Oudor Meanchey and Preah Vihear provinces, and granting the land for agro-industry inv...
Sub-Decree on Reclassification of 6,870 hectares of land in Kulen-Prumtep Wildlife Sanctuary in Preah Vihear and Siem Reap provinces
Reclassifying 6,870 hectares as state private land in Kulen-Prumtep Wildlife Sanctuary in Preah Vihear and Siem Reap provinces for agro-industry investment under lease or conces...
Sub-Decree on Amendment to Sub-Decree No. 37 ANK.BK dated 17 February 2009
Amending Article 1 of the Sub-Decree 37 ANK.BK dated 17 February 2009 by changing the word "lease" to "concession", and granting concession to Sethikula Co., Ltd for rubber plan...
Sub-Decree on Determining Management Zone in Nature Protection Area as Sustainable Use Zone in Butom Sakor National Park in Koh Kong province
Determining 4,280 hectares as sustainable use zones in Butom Sakor National Park in Koh Kong province, and granting the land for eco-agriculture investment to SINOMEXIM Investme...
Sub-Decree on Reclassification of 8,000 hectares of land in Kaun Mom and Veun Sai districts of Ratanakiri province
Reclassifying 8,000 hectares as state private land in Kaun Mom and Veun Sai districts of Ratanakiri province for rubber plantation investment.