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បោះពុម្ពផ្សាយដោយ៖ Open Development Mekong
This report focuses on the two existing large-scale mines in Laos – MMG Sepon and the PBM Phu Kham Copper-Gold Operation. Together, these mines account for the bulk of mineral production in the country. The report outlines the country context, the contribution of mining at the local level and economic and social concerns. Macroeconomic impacts, and the impact on governance structures, are also discussed. Available in English and Lao versions.

ធនធានទិន្នន័យ (3)

មើល​ធនធានទិន្នន័យ - Utilizing mining and mineral resources to foster the sustainable development of the Lao PDR

Additional Info

Field Value
ប្រភេទឯកសារ Reports, journal articles, and research papers (including theses and dissertations)
  • ភាសាអង់គ្លេស
  • ភាសា​ឡាវ
  • Environment and natural resources
  • Extractive industries
  • Mining
តំបន់ភូមិសាស្រ្ត (ការលាតសន្ធឹងក្នុងលំហ)
  • ឡាវ
សិទ្ធិ Yes
កំហិតនៃការចូល និងប្រើប្រាស់

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កំណែ/បោះពុម្ពលើកទី 1.0
អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ unspecified

ICMM 35/38 Portman Square London W1H 6LR United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0) 20 7467 5070 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7467 5071 Email: info

អ្នកនិពន្ធ (ជាស្ថាប័ន) The International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM)
កន្លែងបោះពុម្ភផ្សាយ London, United Kingdom
អ្នកបោះពុម្ពផ្សាយ The International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM)
កាលបរិច្ឆេទបោះពុម្ព 2011
ការបង់លេខ 104 p.
កាលបរិច្ឆេទផ្ទុកឡើង ១០ មិថុនា ២០១៥, ០៤:២៩ (UTC+០០:០០)
កាលបរិច្ឆេទកែប្រែ ១០ កក្កដា ២០១៥, ០៩:៣៥ (UTC+០០:០០)