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266 library_records found

ប្រធានបទ: Climate change

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  • ខាងក្នុង និងខាងក្រៅផែនទី៖ ការដើរទន្ទឹមគ្នា និងការបំផ្លិចបំផ្លាញព្រៃឈើនៅកម្ពុជា

    ទិនានុប្បវត្តិ​នេះ​ផ្តោត​លើ​ការដើរទន្ទឹម​គ្នា​ និង​ការ​ជួយ​សម្របសម្រួល​គ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក​នៃ​គោលនយោបាយ​កាត់​បន្ថយ​ការ​ប្រែប្រួល​អាកាសធាតុ​ និង​ការ​ផ្ដល់​ដី​សម្បទាន​សេដ្ឋកិច្ច​ និង​រ៉...

  • National Adaptation Policy on Climate Change in Lao PDR

    Presentation on National Adaptation Policy on Climate Change in LAO PDR

  • ASEAN Guidelines on the Promotion of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Practices

    The establishment of the ASEAN Climate Resilience Network, and the preparation of this document were fundamentally linked. This Guideline is the product of several research...

  • Myanmar’s National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) to Climate Change

    Myanmar's climate is changing and climate variability already affects communities and socio-economic sectors in the country. Some climate change impacts are already observable...

  • Initial Forest Reference Level for Cambodia under the UNFCCC Framework

    This report provides an overview of the data and methodologies used to develop Cambodia’s initial Forest Reference Level (FRL). The information presented is intended to be...

  • Natural Systems and Climate Change Resilience in the Lower Mekong Basin

    The Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) is experiencing a total transformation of its social, economic and natural environment. Exceptional advances have been made in reducing poverty, in...

  • USAID Mekong ARCC Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Study for the Lower Mekong Basin: Main Report

    Climate change impact and adaptation study for the Lower Mekong Basin, USAID and Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change (ARCC) project main report.

  • Mekong River Commission Strategic Plan 2016-2020

    The Mekong River Commission (MRC)'s strategic plan 2016-2020, published by the MRC in Cambodia, March 2016.

  • Impacts of climate change and development on Mekong flow regimes: First assessment – 2009

    A research paper on the impacts of climate change and development on Mekong River flow regimes, published in 2011 by Mekong River Commission. Edited by Robin Taylor and Hanne...

  • Groundwater in the Mekong region – transboundary aquifers

    A presentation by Felix Seebacher on groundwater and trans-boundary aquifers in the Mekong region, published by the Mekong River Commission Secretariat's Information and...

  • Risks and adaptation to climate change in BCI pilot sites in PRC, Thailand and Vietnam

    A report by the Asian Development Bank on risks and adaptation to climate change in BCI pilot sites in PRC, Thailand and Vietnam, edited by Frank Murray, May Ajero, Gianina...

  • Climate change and institutional adaptation in transboundary river basins

    A research paper by Jochen Hinkel and Timo Menniken on institutional adaptation to the effects of climate change in management of transboundary river basins, published in 2007...

  • Who suffers most from extreme weather events? Weather-related loss events in 2013 and 1994 to 2013

    According to the Climate Risk Index, less developed countries are generally more affected than industrialised countries. The countries affected most in 2013 were the...

  • USAID Mekong ARCC climate change impact and adaptation study for the Lower Mekong Basin, protected areas

    This report provides an outline of protected areas and biodiversity in the Lower Mekong Basin. The analysis contains an overview of threats to protected areas from climate...

  • Bản tin chính sách số 8 - Quý IV/2012

    Nội dung chính của bản tin: Xác định diện tích rừng trong lưu vực phục vụ chi trả dịch vụ môi trường rừng Kế hoạch bảo vệ và phát triển rừng giai đoạn 2011 – 2020 Tham vấn...

  • Bản tin chính sách số 7 - Quý III/2012

    Các nội dung chính của bản tin kỳ này: “Xanh hóa” ngành ngân hàng: Áp dụng chuẩn mực bắt buộc hay khuyến khích tham gia tự nguyện? Thu phí tham quan ở một số vườn quốc gia...

  • Lessons learned from the ground: Two hydropower dams in the Mekong region

    A presentation outlining lessons learned from dam projects using the case studies of the Kamchay Dam in Cambodia and Buon Kuop Dam in Vietnam. The presenter outlines the...

  • Poverty and climate change: Reducing the vulnerability of the poor through adaptation

    This paper focuses on the impacts of climate change on poverty reduction efforts in the context of sustaining progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and beyond. It...

  • Food security, farming, and climate change to 2050: scenarios, results, policy options

    This monograph addresses the climate change threat in the context of larger food security challenges. It provides the most comprehensive analysis to date on the scope of climate...

  • Global forest resources assessment 2010: Country report Myanmar

    The Myanmar country report for the FAO, forming part of the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010. The report provides information on the extent of Myanmar’s forests; forest...

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