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World Bank Myanmar Monitoring Platform – Household Surveys

Since May 2020, the World Bank has conducted high-frequency phone surveys to understand how households are being affected by and responding to the changing environment. In each round, 1500 randomly selected households throughout the country are surveyed on topics such as economic activity, access to basic goods and services, consumption patterns, risks and coping mechanisms, and responses to COVID-19.

Data Resources (17)

Data Resource Preview - Round 1: Rapid information from household high-frequency monitoring: Brief No.1_EN_2020

Additional Info

Field Value
Document type Analysis, discussion papers, and blogs
Language of document
  • English
  • Burmese
Short title (alternative/varying form of title) Household Surveys
Topics World Bank
Geographic area (spatial range)
  • Myanmar
Copyright Yes
Version / Edition 2020.2021.2022
License Other (Public Domain)

Author (corporate) World Bank
Publisher World Bank
General note

This datasets consist brief, presentation and infographic publications from households survey result between 2020 to 2022 surveys. Source: World Bank Myanmar Monitoring Platform – Household Surveys>>>

Keywords Households,Household surveys,COVID-19,Poverty,Poverty and Jobs Strategies,Household Enterprises,,Monitoring
Date uploaded November 17, 2022, 3:32 AM (UTC+00:00)
Date modified December 10, 2022, 1:48 PM (UTC+00:00)