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  • Vietnam's National Climate Change Strategy

    Executive. National Climate Change Strategy and Decision No. 2139 / QD-TTg on Approving the National Climate Change Strategy. The Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vie...

  • The Paris Agreement

    The Paris Agreement builds upon the Convention and – for the first time – brings all nations into a common cause to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adap...

  • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992)

    The ultimate objective of this Convention and any related legal instruments that the Conference of the Parties may adopt is to achieve, in accordance with the relevant provision...

  • Forest law enforcement governance and trade in Myanmar: A conflict sensitive analysis

    The aim of this paper is to provide a conflict-sensitivity analysis of forest governance in Myanmar to inform all stakeholders involved in the negotiations of the Forest Law Enf...

  • Summary report on the implementation of the government's political platform in the 3rd mandate (July 2004-July 2006)

    The summary report is aiming to assess the government's performance against its promises during the election campaigns and political platform for the third mandate, with a cover...

  • Democracy, elections and reform in Cambodia 2013

    COMFREL's 2013 report assesses the state of democratization in Cambodia. The report analyses democratic governance, democratic elections, and democratic participation. Like in t...

  • Women's participation in politics and 2008 National Assembly elections

    On 27 July 2008, Cambodia held national elections for the fourth legislature of the National Assembly. During the elections, 2,478 electoral candidates (1,162 titular candidate ...

  • Grassroots capacity building for REDD+ in Asia

    This document reviews the successes and challenges of the REDD+ program's capacity building efforts across multiple countries, as well as looks ahead to potential next phases fo...

  • IWRM-based basin development strategy for the Lower Mekong Basin

    The IWRM-based Basin Development Strategy (the Strategy) is a statement of the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) countries (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam) setting out how the...

  • Monitoring report on the fulfillment of the Cambodian government's political platform (July 2004-January 2005)

    The Royal Government of Cambodia for the 3rd mandate was established on 15 July 2004 by the supporting vote of the National Assembly, and supposed to implement the Rectangular S...

  • Inter-sectoral governance of inland fisheries

    This e-book is a product of the Inland Fisheries cluster of the Too Big To Ignore (TBTI): Global Partnership for Small-Scale Fisheries Research in collaboration with WorldFish. ...

  • Report on monitoring and assessment of the policy implementation by the government in the 5th legislature first year

    The Royal Government of Cambodia for the 5th mandate was established on 24 September 2013 by the supporting vote of the National Assembly. The government's political platform la...

  • Report on political irregularities: Misuse of state resources and political corruption (2015)

    This report is based on a collection and aggregation of the information from print and online newspapers and COMFREL's nationwide observer network in 24 provinces of the total 2...

  • An assessment of Cambodian political parties

    This document includes reports on the three major Cambodian political parties (CPP, FUNCINPEC and BLDP) and a listing of NDI's 1994 programs to help strengthen these parties and...

  • Cambodia's 2003 National Assembly elections

    IRI Cambodia conducted assessments and observation of Cambodia's 2003 National Assembly elections, taking place on 27 July. Among IRI election observers were elected officials, ...

  • Report on constituency dialogues in Cambodia (2013)

    The constituency dialogue is similar to that of a town hall meeting and anyone is welcome to attend. Moderated by experienced NDI staff, the forum opens the floor to between 250...

  • Directory of the National Assembly's members in the 3rd legislature (2003-2008)

    A directory of the National Assembly's member is published under COMFREL Parliament and Parliamentarian Watch program, serving as tools to provide necessary information on the o...

  • White paper: The 2013 general election for the 5th mandate of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia

    On 28 July 2013, the general election for the 5th mandate of Cambodia’s National Assembly was held in 19,009 polling stations nationwide. In Cambodia neither voting nor register...

  • National Strategy on Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene 2011-2025

    The aim of the Strategy is to define the water supply, sanitation and hygiene services to be made available to people in rural areas, the institutional arrangements aligning ...

  • Strategic National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction 2008-2013

    The primary motivation of the Royal Government of Cambodia in the formulation of an Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is to reduce the vulnerability of its people, e...

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