Ministry of Public Works and Transport Presents Business Case for National Road 13 Public Private Partnership in Lao PDR
Lao People’s Democratic Republic’s Ministry of Public Works and Transport made the business case to Government Meeting recently to implement the improvements of National Road 13...
Timber markets and trade between Laos and Vietnam
The article assesses the timber trade from Laos to Vietnam as inputs for furniture production and the impacts on forest management in Laos in terms of scale. It releases finding...
The Belt and Road Initiative: China’s vision for globalisation, Beijing-style
China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a multifaceted economic, diplomatic and geopolitical undertaking that has morphed through various iterations, from the “New Silk Road” ...
High speed rail could bankrupt Laos, but it’ll keep China happy
Despite impressive economic growth rates over the last decade, a third of Laos’s population still lives below the extreme poverty line of US$1.25 per day. Most of the extreme po...
Infographic: The Controversial Laos-China Railway
This article is an infographic providing a route map and details about the development of the Lao-China railway project.
Hydropower Status Report 2016
Statistics about hydropower have been compiled by IHA using data from publicly published sources, IHA members, government representatives, industry sources and media monitorin...
Laos: Students Make Use of ‘Open Data’
With eight percent of the population logging in online, Lao PDR ranks seventh in Southeast Asia in internet usage. Tech savvy neighbors may have more citizens but Laos has seen ...
Chinese Banana Plantations Lose Their Appeal in Laos as Pollution Concerns Grow
A boom in banana demand led to heavy agricultural investment in northern Laos as Chinese investors offered strong financial incentives to farmers to change land management pract...
Illegal Pesticide Trade in Mekong Countries: Case of the Lao PDR
Reports on the increasing use of pesticides in Lao PDR (van der Wulp 2006; Lao-FAO IPM and FAO Pesticide Risk Reduction Programme 2009, 2011; FAO IPM Vegetable Regional Programm...
Small-scale land acquisitions, large-scale implications: The case of Chinese banana investments in Northern Laos
In the context of the ‘global land grab’, the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic has been identified as a hotspot for large-scale land acquisitions sought by capital strong foreign...
Water and Water Resources Law to Advance Sustainability in the Lao PDR
Lao PDR’s National Assembly last week approved an updated Water and Water Resources Law presented by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Passed with a 93 percent ...
PROJECT SIGNING: Lao PDR will Further Improve Rural Roads, Water Systems and Agriculture Livelihoods of Rural Poor, with New World Bank Support
Archived content: World Bank press release announcing a $30 million agreement with the Laos government for rural infrastructure including roads and water and sanitation.
The Potential Impacts of Lignite Mining on the Environment and Local Livelihoods in Hongsa District, Sayabouli Province, Lao PDR.
The main focuses of this research are the impacts of lignite mining on the environment and, local livelihoods, and how the local communities access information and their respons...
The toxic landscape: LURAS discussion paper
The draft of this discussion paper generated a mixed response. While some experts – from both the government and development community – found the analysis persuasive, one or ...
Options for monitoring forest degradation in northern Vietnam: an assessment in systems design and capacity building needs in Con Cuong District, Nghe An province
The report is about options for monitoring forest degradation in northern Vietnam based on an assessment in systems design and capacity-building needs in Con Cuong District. The...
Design options for a forest carbon legal framework for Lao PDR: Drawing lessons from across the globe
This study looks at the possible design options that could form the basis of a legal framework for carrying out forest carbon activities and investments in Laos by both public a...
An approach to designing pro-poor local REDD+ benefit distribution systems: Lessons from Vietnam
Provides lessons learned from Vietnam's approach to designing a pro-poor REDD+ benefits distribution system for the future development of effective benefit distribution systems ...
Millenium Development Goals indicators: Country snapshots
These snapshots provide an overview of the progress achieved since 1990 on the Millennium Development Goals at the country level. Progress is assessed on the basis of data avail...
Ecosystem-based approaches to address climate change challenges in the Greater Mekong Subregion
The brief summarises the current state of Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) knowledge and experience on ecosystem-based approaches. The brief summarises the current state of GMS kn...
Crop research in Lao PDR
An overview of crops grown in Lao PDR and research attempts to breed more suitable varieties.