Land Law, Land Rights, and Land Reform in Vietnam: A Deeper Look into “Land Grabbing” for Public and Private Development
As Vietnam continues to search for its ideal balance between Communist control and a market-led economy, land rights emerge at the forefront of the discussion concerning the ten...
Conversion of land use in Vietnam through a political economy lens
This article applies a political economy approach to processes of agricultural land conversion through analysis of the interests and incentives of key actors within and outside ...
Promoting Sustainable Development Through Disaster Risk Management
Despite considerable advances in disaster risk management (DRM) understanding and know-how over the past few decades, there has been no evidence of a long-term decline in loss o...
Toward a National Eco-Compensation Regulation in the People's Republic of China
Eco-compensation in the PRC is mainly a public mechanism to promote environmental protection and restoration, including through the payment for ecological services. It is a pack...
Greeen Solutions For Livable Cities
This publication is authored by a multidisciplinary technical assistance team of experts. It shares solutions emerging from the GrEEEn Cities Initiative of the Asian Development...
Asian Development Bank Member Fact Sheet: Vietnam
ADB supports Viet Nam in promoting job creation and competitiveness, increasing the inclusiveness of infrastructure and service delivery, and improving environmental sustainabil...
Asian Development Bank Member Fact Sheet: Thailand
ADB stands ready to assist Thailand in adopting the “Thailand 4.0” model, envisioned to create a value-based economy founded on creativity, innovation, and intellect.
Asian Development Bank Member Fact Sheet: Myanmar
ADB supports Myanmar in promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, with focus on infrastructure, education and training, and agriculture and rural development.
Asian Development Bank Member Fact Sheet: Lao PDR
ADB assistance to the Lao People’s Democratic Republic focuses on four core sectors: agriculture, natural resources, and rural development; education; energy; and water and othe...
Asian Development Bank Member Fact Sheet: Cambodia
ADB’s assistance to Cambodia rests on deepened rural–urban–regional links, and human and social development as strategic pillars; and enhanced public sector management as a cros...
Disaster Risk in Asia and the Pacific Assessment, Management and Finance
Globalization and technology deepen value chains and production networks to the great benefit of producers and consumers—both domestic and foreign. But it also means that, above...
2015 Clean Energy Investments Project Summaries
While ADB’s renewable energy investments were slightly under a billion dollars in 2015, the overall renewable energy market is healthier than ever. Bloomberg New Energy Finance,...
Viet Nam Energy Sector Assessment, Strategy and Road Map
This energy sector assessment, strategy, and roadmap for Viet Nam documents the current assessment of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and the strategic investment priorities o...
Water-related disasters and disaster risk management in the People's Republic of China
The frequency and magnitude of natural disasters are increasing in most regions across the world with water-related disasters being the most common and recurrent. The economic c...
Nature-Based Solutions For Building Resilience in Towns and Cities
This publication summarizes the rich seven-volume “Resource Kit on Building Resilience and Sustainability in Mekong Towns.” It includes the principles of green infrastructure an...
Southeast Asia and the Economics of Global Climate Stabilization
The study applies two global dynamic economy–energy– environment models: the World Induced Technical Change Hybrid (WITCH) model, which focuses on the detailed representation of...
Environmental Issues, Climate Changes, And Energy Security in Developing Asia
Four environmental dimensions of energy security—climate change, air pollution, water availability and quality, and land-use change—and the environmental impact of 13 energy sy...
Space Technology and Geographic Information Systems Applications in ADB Projects
To promote more effective applications in the field of sustainable development, sharing best practices is very important. This report provides an overview of the space technolog...
Understanding the costs and benefits of climate change adaptation in Thailand
UNDP-GIZ workshop on applying cost-benefit analysis and ecosystem-based adaptation supports adaptation planning for Thailand Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives.
Submission by Thailand: Intended Nationally Determined Contribution and Relevant Information
As a developing country highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, Thailand attaches great importance to the global efforts to address this common and pressing challeng...