Briefing paper: Cambodia's Draft Law on the Management and Use of Agricultural Land
In late 2011, the Cambodian government quietly released a draft Law on the Management and Use of Agricultural Land that would have serious implications for private landholders. ...
Public versus private provision of irrigated water management on rural economic development: The Case Study of Trapaing Trabek irrigation, Kampong Chhnang province, Cambodia
The study was conducted, on one hand, to analyze the impacts of irrigated water management on agricultural productivity and household poverty with the provision of both public a...
Directive 01BB in Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia: Issues and Impacts of Private Land Titling in Indigenous Communities
To assess the impact of this new directive and its effects on the relationship between communal land titling and Economic Land Concessions (ELCs) in Ratanakiri, seven NGOs colle...
Accessible WASH in Cambodia
This report documents the overview and status on disability and WASH, legal and policy framework in inclusive WASH in Cambodia. It also depicts the govern...
Public-Private Partnerships Energy and Infrastructure in Cambodia
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) can help in addressing the concerns of infrastructure development and narrow export base to promote business climate in Cambodia. In partnersh...
Private sector participation in economic development Cambodian: Cambodian and regional perspectives
Cambodian government has built institutional capacity to promote private investment in the past decade. Private sector is seen as a main catalyst to engender sustainable growth....
Special Economic Zones: Community Opportunities or Threats?
The Special Economic Zones development has been on top of the agenda and quickly processed under the supervision of the Government. The Government develops infrastructures, enco...
Border Special Economic Zones Development
This document aims to provide an overview of the Special Economic Zones (SEZ) Development, including its framework, key principles, the management mechanism, the scope and defin...
Investment Promotion Journal Volume 25 (Issue 11)
The monthly magazine disseminates highlighted information on Special Economic Zones (SEZ) to members, who are business people, investors, agencies, and organizations in the econ...
Guideline and Policy Measure to Develop and Form Thailand’s Special Economic Zones
The research report informs suitable patterns of Special Economic Zones along the border areas of Thailand, and provides policy guidelines and measures that can be implemented t...
Rice policy study: Implications of rice policy changes in Vietnam for Cambodia’s rice policy and rice producers in southeastern provinces
This policy study explains the impact of Vietnamese's agricultural policy on Cambodia's rice policy as well as the livelihood of the rice producers. Recen...
Cambodian elections: Lessons learned and future directions
The report is a result of a two-day post-election conference in February 2004, aiming to bring together Cambodian election stakeholders, irrespective of their party affiliations...
Laos Minimum Wage
This webpage provides information on the minimum wage in Laos, how it compares to that of other countries, and other facts and statistics about the country.
Overview of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
The sites give a profile of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
Government to integrate gender in policies and programs
An overview of an advocacy workshop and program conducted by the Lao government on addressing gender issues in policy.
The struggle over Lao PDR’s forests: New opportunities for improved forest governance?
The forests of Lao PDR have dramatically diminished in recent decades. The main drivers of deforestation are changes in land use with forests being converted to agriculture, hyd...
Gender Issues: Lao PDR
A policy brief on gender issues in the Lao PDR preapred as part of the Poverty Reduction and Environmental Management in Remote Greater Mekong Subregion Project.
A Study on Violence against Women in Lao PDR
An overview and analysis of the statistics on violence against women from the Lao National Survey on Women's Health and Life Experience.
Gender Responsive Budgeting in the Lao PDR
A presentation given by the NCAWMC providing analysis of the gender issues in the national budget and how to address shortcomings.
Australia expands support to end violence against women and girls
An overview of Australia's Stand Up Speak Out program, which encouraged male public figures in Laos to speak out against domestic violence and abuse.