An Assessment in Monitoring Options and Capacity Building Needs in Houaphanh Province
This report discusses options for identifying and developing forest monitoring methodologies that can estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from forest degradation. This is...
Nutrition in Lao PDR : Causes, Determinants, and Bottlenecks
Undernutrition levels in Lao PDR remain among the highest in the world, despite both rapid economic growth and a significant decline in poverty over the past years. Concerns abo...
Lao PDR Economic Monitor, August 2019 : Maintaining Economic Stability
Economic growth in Lao PDR is projected to rebound to 6.5 percent in 2019, up from 6.3 percent in 2018. This pick up is expected to be driven by growth of the construction secto...
Commercialization of Rice and Vegetables Value Chains in Lao PDR : Status and Prospects
Rice is Lao PDR's biggest agricultural commodity in terms of farmers involved in production, cropland area allocated, and food consumption. Rice also generates important economi...
Economy Profile of the Lao People's Democratic Republic: Doing Business 2019
Sixteenth in a series of annual reports comparing business regulation in 190 economies, Doing Business 2019 covers 11 areas of business regulation. Ten of these areas - starti...
Government Expenditure on Health in Lao PDR : Overall Trends and Findings from a Health Center Survey
This policy note provides an overview of government health financing in the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (PDR), with an added focus on health center financing. The note summa...
Safety, health and well-being of Lao PDR's workers on the rise
The webpage provides an overview of the safety, health, and wellbeing of workers in Lao PDR.
2016 Lao PDR Enterprise Survey : Country Highlights
The World Bank Group conducted face-to-face interviews with top managers and business owners of 368 enterprises in Lao PDR from January 2016 through June 2016. The Enterprise Su...
The Lao Cookstove Experience : Redefining Health through Cleaner Energy Solutions
Redefining Health through Cleaner Energy Solutions. In the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic household air pollution from the incomplete combustion of solid fuels is the top healt...
Partnerships and Opportunities for a New Green Forest Economy in Lao PDR : Sustaining Forest Landscapes and Livelihoods
Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) has a comparative advantage in natural capital, which has fueled economic growth averaging around 8 percent per annum since 2000. The ...
The Millennium Development Goals Progress Report for the Lao PDR 2013
This Progress Report aims to capture the situation of the Lao PDR with regard to the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals since 1990 up to the present time (2013),...
Foreign Aid to Laos
This paper is a briefing on Official Development Assistance (ODA) to the Lao PDR, 2010-2014.
200 years to go before Laos is cleared of unexploded US bombs from Vietnam war era
This article tells stories on the durable and cost-intensive activities of UXO clearance in Laos [Lao PDR].
Integrating Analytical Frameworks to Investigate Land-Cover Regime Shifts in Dynamic Landscapes
Regime shifts—rapid long-term transitions between stable states—are well documented in ecology but remain controversial and understudied in land use and land cover change (LUCC)...
Paradigm Trap: The Development Establisments Embrace of Myanmar and How to Break Loose
Is it possible for Myanmar to take a path to sustainable development that would avoid the pitfalls of the orthodox development paradigm? This report argues that this is not only...
State of Corruption: The Top-Level Conspiracy Behind the Global Trade in Myanmar’s Stolen Teak
The forests of Myanmar are defined by their monetary value and have been part of the military and economic elites’ profits and, in some cases, survival for decades. The entire l...
Legally and Illegally Logged Out: The Status of Myanmar's Timber Sector and Options for Reform
Myanmar has been endowed with extensive areas of some of the most valuable timber bearing forests in the world. But in Myanmar’s recent history they have been more of a curse ...
Asia and the Pacific SDG Progress Report 2019
This report analyses Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) trends as well as data availability for monitoring progress in Asia and the Pacific and its five subregions. It assesse...
Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report 2018: Recent Trends and Developments
The Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report (APTIR) is a recurrent publication prepared by the Trade, Investment and Innovation Division of the United Nations Economic and Soci...
The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2017
The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2017 reviews progress made towards the 17 Goals in the second year of implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The...