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Action Plan for the Protection of Sea Turtles in Cambodia 2016-2026

Sea turtles are some of the most important marine species in Cambodia and as such they are classified as Endangered Species under Sub-Decree No.123, dated August 23rd 2009. Of the species of sea turtle found in Cambodia, green turtles are listed as Endangered and hawksbill turtles as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Sea turtles are also listed in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) which bans international trade of these animals. Both national and international frameworks are addressing the need to manage and conserve these species due to their endangered status in Cambodia, where the catch, sale, purchase and transport of sea turtles has been banned. There is an urgent need for this Sea Turtle Action Plan.

The goal for this action plan is that: By 2026, sea turtles and their habitat are protected or conserved, providing healthy ecosystems and economic prosperity for future generations of Cambodia.

Data Resources (2)

Data Resource Preview - Action Plan for Protection of Sea Turtles in Cambodia 2016-2026 (English)

Additional Info

Field Value
Geographic area (spatial range)
  • Cambodia
  • Koh Kong
  • Kampot
  • Kep
  • Preah Sihanouk
Issuing agency/parties
  • Fishery Administration
  • Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries
Implementing agencies
  • Fishery Administration
  • English
  • Khmer
Formal type of document Action Plan
Alternative/short title Sea Turtle Action Plan
  • Animals
  • Marine and coastal areas

No license given

Copyright No
Status Signed and in effect
Adoption date/Enacted/Promulgation date/Signing date October 18, 2017
Effective/Enforced Date October 18, 2017
Publication reference Fisheries Administration (2017) Action Plan for Protection of Sea Turtles in Cambodia 2016-2026

For inquiries, please contact:

Department of Fisheries Conservation, Fisheries Administration Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Kingdom of Cambodia Email: Tel : +855 (0) 12 908 121

Fauna & Flora International PO Box 1380, #19, St. 360, Boeng Keng Kang I Phnom Penh, Cambodia Email: Tel : +855 (0) 23 211 142

Legacy reference document Action_Plan_for_Sea_Turtles_Protection_in_Cambodia_2026__18.10.2017.pdf
Keywords sea turtles,marine conservation,endangered animals
Date uploaded August 25, 2020, 2:31 AM (UTC+00:00)
Date modified September 8, 2020, 6:55 AM (UTC+00:00)