Prakas No. 034 on the recognition of "Kiri Sokh Sant" Community Natural Protected Area of Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary in Kiri Sokh Sant village, Anlong Chrey commune, Thala Barivat district, Stung Treng province
Kiri Sokh Sant Community Natural Protected Area with the area of 1,338.54 hectares is located in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary in Kiri Sokh Sant village, Anlo...
Prakas No. 036 on the recognition of "Anlong Phe" Community Natural Protected Area of Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary in Anlong Phe village, Anlong Phe commune, Thala Barivat district, Stung Treng province
Anlong Phe Community Natural Protected Area with the area of 682 hectares is located in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary in Anlong Phe village, Anlong Phe commune...
Prakas No. 033 on the recognition of "Toal" Community Natural Protected Area of Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary in Toal village, Anlong Phe commune, Thala Barivat district, Stung Treng province
Toal Community Natural Protected Area with the area of 640 hectares is located in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary in Toal village, Anlong Phe commune, Thala Ba...
Sub-decree No 05 on Establishment of zone management of Phnom Prich Wildlife Sancaury in Mondulkiri province
The zone management of Phnom Prich wildlife sanctuary which is a natural protected area of Cambodia was established within the area of 222 500 hectares with 4 categories such as...
Sub-decree No. 29 on the approval of the management zones of Srepok Wildlife Sanctuary
Sub-decree designates 372,971 hectares of the forest into four management zones, including core zones, conservation zones, sustainable-use zones and community zones. This sub-de...
Sub_decree No. 85 on the identification of community in Banteay Chhmar Protected Landscape and Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary in Oddor Meanchey province
This Sub-decree aims to identify a community in Banteay Chhmar Protected Landscape and Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary which consists of 2,805 hectares of land in Oddor Meanche...
Sub_decree No. 13 on the identification of community of Phnom Aural Wildlife Sanctuary in Amleang commune, Thpong district, Kampong Speu province
This Sub-decree aims to identify a community in Phnom Aural Wildlife Sanctuary which consists of 147.29 hectares of land in Amleang commune, Thpong district, Kampong Speu provin...
Sub_decree No. 23 on the identification of community of Ream National Park with 344856 square meters of land in Thma Thum village, Ream commune, Prey Nob district, Preah Sihanouk province
This Sub-decree aims to identify a community in Ream National Park which consists of 344856 square meters of land in Thma Thum village, Ream commune, Prey Nob district, Preah Si...
Sub_decree No. 08 on the identification of community of Ream National Park with 1122.80 hectares of land in Bat Kokir village, and Ou Oknha Heng village of Ou Oknha Heng commune and Smach Daeng village of Ream commune, Prey Nob district, Preah Sihanouk province
This Sub-decree aims to identify a community in Ream National Park which consists of 1122.80 hectares of land in Bat Kokir village and Ou Oknha Heng village of Ou Oknha Heng co...
Sub_decree No. 03 on the identification of community of Snoul Wildlife Sanctually with 3662 hectares of land in Kaev Seima district, Mondul Kiri province
This Sub-decree aims to identify a community in Snoul Wildlife Sanctually which consists of 3662 hectares in Kaev Seima district, Mondul Kiri province as a management zone for e...
Sub_decree No. 36 on the identification of community of Dong Peng Multiple Use Management Area with 779 hectares of land in Chhuk village, Chi kha Leu commune, Srae Ambel district, Koh Kong province
This Sub-decree aims to identify the management area in Dong Peng Multiple Use Management Area which consists of 779 hectares of land in Chhuk village, Chi kha Leu commune, Srae...
Sub_decree No. 14 on the identification of community of Ream National Park in Ong village, Ream commune, Prey Nob district, Preah Sihanouk province
This Sub-decree aims to identify a community in Ream National Park which consists of 84.5 hectares of land in Ong village, Ream commune, Prey Nob district, Preah Sihanouk provin...
Prakas No. 092 on the recognition of "Srae Veal" Community Natural Protected Area of Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary in Srae Veal village, Thmea commune, Chey Sen district, Preah Vihear province
Srae Veal Community Natural Protected Area with the area of 2,675.4 hectares is located in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary in Srae Veal village, Thmea commu...
Prakas No. 032 on the recognition of "Ph'av" Community Natural Protected Area of Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary in Ph'av village, Anlong Phe commune, Thala Barivat district, Stung Treng province
Ph'av Community Natural Protected Area with the area of 1,119 hectares is located in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary in Ph'av village, Anlong Phe commune, Thal...
Joint Prakas No. 648 on the provision of public services delivered by Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction
The public services provided by the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction has been prepared as a public service list detailing the types of service, servi...
Joint Prakas No. 995 on the provision of public services delivered by Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction
The public services provided by the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction has been prepared as a public service list detailing the types of service, servi...
Decision on Trading Rights for Foreign Firms
This Ministerial Decision, dated June 5th, 2019, defines principles, regulations and measures rrelated to the imports and exports of products by foreign companies.
Decision No. 1976/QD-TTg approving the master plan on the system of fishing ports and storm shelters for fishing ships through 2020, with orientations toward 2030
This Decision approves the master plan on the network of fishing ports and storm shelters for fishing ships through 2020, with orientations toward 2030, with the following princ...
Decision No. 124/QD-TTg on Approving master plan of production development of agriculture to 2020 and a vision toward 2030
This Decision approves the master plan for agricultural production development to improve the productivity, quality, competitiveness, effectiveness and sustainability of agricul...
Decision No. 1690/QD-TTg approving Vietnam’s fisheries development strategy through 2020
This decision approves Vietnam's fisheries development strategy through 2020 with the following contents: - 1. To develop fisheries into a commodity production industry with pr...