Decision No. 1557/QD-TTg approving a number of MDG indicators for ethnic minorities associated with the SDGs after 2015
The decision identifies number of target indicator to integrate, priority resources to achive MDGs for ethnic minorities, creating a base for SDGs after 2015, contributing to co...
Resolution 88/2019/QH14 on approving Master Plan on Socio-economic development of Ethnic Minorities and Mountainous areas 2021-2030
The Master Plan on Socio-economic development of Ethnic Minorities and Mountainous areas 2021-2030 includes specific development objectives to 2025 and development direction to...
Resolution 12/NQ-CP on implementation plan to the Master Plan on Socio-economic development of Ethnic Minorities and Mountainous areas 2021-2030
The resolution contains specific tasks and assigns to each of related government bodies in implementing the master plan
Decision No. 449/QD-TTg approving the Ethnic Monitory Affairs Strategy through 2020.
The General Objective of the Strategy is "to develop socioeconomic fields in a comprehensive, fast and sustainable manner so as to accelerate poverty reduction in ethnic minorit...
Sub-decree No. 02 on land reclassification
The 747 hectares of state land in Svay Chreas commune, Snoul district, Kratie province, where rubber were planted and was subjected to economic land concession, has been reclass...
Sub-Decree No. 124 on the Tax Incentives for Qualifying SMEs Operating in Defined Priority Sectors
The Sub-Decree aims to introduce important tax incentives for qualifying small and medium enterprises operating in defined priority sectors in Cambodia.
Sub-decree No.04 on the modification of the 4,815 hectares land of Veal Samnab lake system located in Kandal province to be state public property
Land parcels of 275 hectares of the 4,815 hectares land of Veal Samnab lake system located in Prek Luong, Prek Takov, and Svay Chrum commune, Khsach Kandal District, Kandal prov...
Sub-decree No.05 on the reclassification of the 886.3705 ha land to the state private land located in Svay Chrum, Prek Takov, and Prek Luong commune, Ksach Kandal district, Kandal province
The 886.3705 hectares of public land located in Svay Chrum, Prek Takov, and Prek Luong commune, Ksach Kandal district, Kandal province were reclassified as state private land an...
Sub-decree No.01 on the modification of land border in the annex of Sub-decree No.160 on the reclassification 407 hectares of land as state private land located in Ream commune, Prey Nob district, Preah Sihanouk province, dated on 5 November 2019
This Sub-decree was issued with the decision of modifying land border in the annex of Sub-decree No.160 on the reclassification 407 hectares of land as state private land locate...
Cambodia Industrial Development Policy 2015 – 2025
The IDP is adopted as a guide to promote the country’s industrial development that will help maintain sustainable and inclusive high economic growth through economic diversifica...
Prakas No. 159 on the Instruction on Implementation of Tax Incentives for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
This Prakas aims to provide guidelines for the effective implementation of Sub-Decree No. 124 ANK.BrK dated 2 October 2018 on the tax incentives for small and medium enterprises...
Notification of the Ministry of Public Health RE: Territories outside the Kingdom of Thailand defined as Disease Infected Zones of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak (edition 2) B.E. 2563 (2020)
The Minister of Public Health, with the advice of the Scientific Response Team, has declared certain Territories outside the Kingdom of Thailand to be Disease Infected Zones of ...
Notification of the Ministry of Public Health RE: Territories outside the Kingdom of Thailand defined as Disease Infected Zones of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak
Thailand remains at-risk from transmission through travellers arriving from other countries; therefore, in order to prevent and control the disease efficiently, as well as to en...
Notification Re : Extension of Duration of the Declaration of an Emergency Situation in all areas of the Kingdom of Thailand (1st Extension)
Considering that the outbreak of the communicable disease Coronavirus 2019 or COVID-19 continues to persist, though it has been under control to a certain extent, demonstrating ...
Notification No. 034 on the opening of mining concession areas for applying for mineral exploration license
One mining concession areas of 200 square kilometers, located in O'Svay area, Trapeang Prasat district, Oddar Meanchey provinces, was opened from the notification date until 15 ...
Notification No. 018 on the opening of mining concession areas for applying for mineral exploration licenses
Four mining concession areas of 200, 194, 200 & 200 square kilometers was opened from the notification date until 30 April 2020 time 17:00min for domestic and international mini...
Royal Decree Prescribing the Amount of Deposits to be Protected in General, B.E. 2563 (2020)
The grounds for promulgation of this Royal Decree are as follows. Whereas the outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 has an impact on many sectors, both in economical and soci...
Emergency Decree Authorising the Ministry of Finance to Raise Loans to Solve Problems, to Remedy and Restore the Economy and Society as Affected by the Coronavirus Disease Pandemic, B.E.2563 (2020)
The grounds for promulgation of this Emergency Decree are as follows. Whereas at present, there is an outbreak of coronavirus disease in many countries around the world, includi...
Emergency Decree on the Provision of Financial Assistance for Entrepreneurs Affected by COVID-19 Pandemic, B.E. 2563 (2020)
The grounds for the promulgation of this Emergency Decree are as follows. Whereas COVID-19 pandemic has a widespread impact and is likely to aggravate, it is necessary to have m...
Emergency Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situation, B.E. 2548 (2005)
This Act contains certain provisions in relation to the restriction of right and liberty of person, in respect of which section 29 in conjunction with section 31, section 35, se...