ประมวลรัษฎากรประเทศไทย (กฎหมายภาษี)
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Circular No. 13/BYT-TT of the MOH giving instructions for the administration of occupational health, employee's health and occupational diseases
This Circular shall be applied to the following subjects: Undertakings employing workers including state-owned undertakings, collective and private enterprises employing workers...
Sub-Decree No. 42 on the air pollution control and noise disturbance
This sub-decree has a purpose to protect the environment quality and public health from air pollution and noise disturbance through monitoring, curb and mitigation activities.
Law on Water Resource Management of the Kingdom of Cambodia
The general purpose of this Law is to foster the effective and sustainable management of the water resources of the Kingdom of Cambodia to attain socio-economic development and ...
Sub-Decree No.72 on the Environmental Impact Assessment Process
The main objectives of this sub-decree are: - To determine an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) upon every private and public project or activity, and it ...
Decree No. 135/2005 / ND-CP on contractual assignment of agricultural land, production forest land and water surface for aquaculture in state-owned agricultural farms and forestry farms
This Decree provides for the assignment of land for agricultural production land, production forest land, water surface for aquaculture in State-owned farms, State forestry farm...
Royal Decree No. 1106 on the downsizing of 576.35 hectares of land from Botum Sakor National Park and Tatai Wildlife Sanctuary
This Royal decree is to downsize 576.35 hectares of land from Botum Sakor National Park and Tatai Wildlife Sanctuary.
Sub-decree No 129 on the establishment of Sambor Wildlife Sanctuary
Sambor Wildlife Sanctuary was established for 50,093 hectares in Sambor district of Kratie province to ensure environmental protection, conservation of the ecology, biodiversity...
Sub-decree No 128 on the establishment of Preaek Prasab Wildlife Sanctuary
Preaek Prasab Wildlife Sanctuary was established for 12,770 hectares in Sambor district of Kratie province to ensure environmental protection, conservation of the ecology, biodi...
Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations framework convention on climate change
The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which commits its Parties by setting internationally bindin...
Decree No. 82/2006/ND-CP on management of export, import, re-export, introduction from the sea, transit, breeding, rearing and artificial propagation of endangered species of precious and rare wild fauna and flora
This Decree lays down conditions for the export, import, transit, breeding and rearing of rare wild flora and fauna. Wild flora and fauna species shall be those specified in the...
Decree No. 32/2006/ND-CP on Management of Endangered, Precious and Rare Forest Plants and Animals
This Decree provides for the management of endangered, precious and rare plants and animals from Viet Nam's forests. Endangered, precious and rare plants and animals shall be di...
Circular no. 01/2012/TT-BNNPTNT of January 4, 2012, stipulating dossiers of lawful forest products and inspection of the origin of forest products
This Circular stipulates dossiers of lawful forest products and inspection of the origin of timber and non-timber forest products within the territory of the Socialist Republic ...
Thailand's National Strategy B.E. 2561 - 2580 (A.D. 2018 - 2037)
Section 65 stipulates that the State shall establish a national strategy. The goal is to develop a sustainable country based on good governance, to use the national strategy as ...
Decision No. 1819/QD-NHNN On the Base Interest Rate of Vietnamese Dong
This Decision shall be effective from 01 August 2010 and replace the Decision No. 1565/QD-NHNN dated 24 June 2010 of the Governor of the State Bank on the base interest rate in ...
Circular No. 13/2014/TT-BTC Regulation on Customs Procedures for Goods Processed for Foreign Traders
This Circular prescribes customs procedures for goods processed in Vietnam for foreign traders and customs procedures for goods ordered for overseas processing.
Decision No. 107/2007/QD-BNN Amending and supplementing the Regulation on management of tree-marking hammering and ranger hammering promulgated together with Decision No. 44/2006/QD-BNN of June 1, 2006, of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
Decision Promulgating the Regulation on management and use of tree-marking and ranger hammers
Decision No. 44/2006/QD-BNN Promulgating the Regulation on management and use of tree-marking and ranger hammers
This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in “CONG BAO” and replaces the Agriculture and Rural Development Minister’s Decision No. 69/2001/QD-BNN-KL of June 26, 2...
Law No. 59/2005/QH11 on Investment
This Law provides for investment activities for business purposes; rights and obligations of investors; To ensure the legitimate rights and interests of investors; incentives an...
Business Registration Act B.E. 2499 (1956)
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