Circular No. 02 on strengthening mine action management
Demining activities have been identified by the Royal Government as a top priority to contribute to poverty reduction and development. The Kingdom of Cambodia has set a clear vi...
Sub-decree no. 41 on equipment identity registration
This sub-decree aims to prevent and reduce the use of fake national equipment, protect consumers' health, safety, and rights, improve the quality of telecommunication services, ...
Guidebook on unused land tax
The guidebook on "Tax on Unused Land" was prepared by the Department of Taxation of Real Estate and the General Department of Taxation in accordance with Article 96 of the Tax L...
Companies invested in economic land concession who registered their contracts with the Ministry of Agriculture: 109. Heng Nong (Cambodia) International Company Limited
A webpage list showing the date of ELC contract, the ELC location and size, status of EIA and land registration, and type of crops invested by the concessionaire Heng Nong (Camb...
Webpage capture on the news article of PM issues sub-decree to monitor dolphins from Kratie to Stung Treng
The Head of the Royal Government of Cambodia has issued a sub-decree on the designation of Mekong River dolphin management areas in Stung Treng and Kratie provinces to protect a...
Cambodia Agriculture Survey 2020 (CAS2020)
This survey data will help reflect progress towards the 2030 sustainable development goals for the agricultural sector, focusing on the 1st goal to end poverty, 2nd goal with hu...
Prakas no. 785 on adjusting the composition of the land assessment commission for unused land tax
The land assessment commission for unused land tax has the right to appoint sub-committees for the assessment of land for unused land tax in the capitals and provinces, with the...
Prakas no. 009 on the burden of the state on value-added tax on basic food items for people's daily lives
This Prakas aims to impose the burden of the state on value-added tax on basic food items to facilitate the daily lives of the people.
National environment strategy and action plan 2016-2023
From the beginning of the fifth mandate of the National Assembly, the Royal Government of Cambodia has launched the Rectangular Strategy Phase III and National Strategic Develop...
National biodiversity strategy and action plan 2016
The globally and regionally significant biodiversity values of Cambodia's rich natural resources are an essential part of our country's natural capital. Few places on earth demo...
Guideline on monitoring and evaluation of the social protection system
Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms will facilitate data collection and information for the analysis and progress, and the results of the component of the social protection in...
Prakas no. 002 on the continuation of suspension of income tax relief payment of garment industry enterprises
This Prakas aims to suspend the income tax exemption payment of the textile industry enterprises that qualify as investment projects that are qualified for sustainability and as...
Prakas no. 824 on the use of official exchange rates for the collection of fiscal revenue, non-fiscal revenue and foreign currency payments
This Prakas aims to limit the use of official exchange rates to ensure transparency and efficiency in the collection of fiscal revenue, non-tax revenue and foreign currency paym...
Prakas no. 542 on rules and procedures for applying value added tax on additional operations for electronic business transactions
This Prakas aims to establish the rules and procedures for the implementation and management of the collection of value added tax on the supply of digital goods or digital servi...
Prakas no. 230 on tax service agents
The purpose of this Prakas is to determine, diagnose and manage individuals who conduct business as tax service agents in order to ensure the quality and professional service pr...
Prakas no. 784 on the adjustment of the composition of the real estate appraisal commission for property tax
The property appraisal commission for property tax has the right to establish a sub-committee on property appraisal for property tax in each capital and province, chaired by the...
Prakas no. 217 on incentives for voluntary revision of tax returns
This Prakas aims to introduce the implementation of incentives for the voluntary revision of tax returns to taxpayers or withholding agents who request to amend tax returns as s...
Prakas no. 962 on tax arrears management
This Prakas aims to define the rules and procedures for tax debt management to support the tax debt collection process to be more efficient, effective and transparent.
The Mekong and Women in Northern Thailand
Local knowledge of the Mekong River Basin is important to determine their own destiny and the Mekong River ecosystem. No one will know and love the Mekong River more than the lo...
Law on E-commerce
This law aims to managing e-commerce in the Kingdom of Cambodia and internationally, establish legal and commercial realities of electronic commerce, and give the public confi...