Dak Ro Sa hydropower
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Kon Dao hydropower
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Dak Lo hydropower
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Mining - Development - Environment: Gaps between theory and practice
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Equator Principles 2013
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Da Dang 2 hydropower
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Dong Nai 5 hydropower
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Dak Kgui hydropower
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Báo cáo Đánh giá môi trường chiến lược của thủy điện dòng chính Mê Kông 2010
Báo cáo Đánh giá Môi trường Chiến lược (SEA) đối với những đề xuất dự án phát triển thủy điện trên dòng chảy chính Sông Mê Kông được Ủy hội Sông Mê Kông (MRC) thực hiện trong vò...
Notice of establishment of commercial enterprise: Lian Heng Mining Co, Ltd
This is the screen shot of Ministry of Commerce's official website, at "Business Registration", which illustrates all the commercial enterprises registered in Cambodia including...
This dataset has no description
Livelihoods and food security on the Mekong River
An analysis paper by Future Directions International on livelihood considerations and food security in the Lower Mekong countries, published in May 2016.
Prakas No. 801 on Allowing Brewer Natural Resources Development Co. Ltd to Conduct Mining Exploration in Borkham-Borkeo Area, Ratanakiri Province.
This Prakas allowed Brewer Natural Resources Development Co. Ltd, to conduct mining exploration in Borkham-Borkeo areas, Rattanakiri province. The exploration takes place over a...
Provincial administration of Vietnam
Provincial administration is polygon dataset containing limit of provinces in Vietnam. It contains geospatial coordinates, province name.
District administration of Vietnam
District administration is polygon dataset containing limit of districts in Vietnam. It contains geospatial coordinates, district name, provincial name, population (statistic in...
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Vietnam
This dataset presents the continental terrain surface of Viet Nam. Dem resolution is 30 m per pixel.
Administrative boundary of Vietnam
This is a geospatial dataset of polylines describing administrative boundaries of Viet Nam. The dataset published by Department of Survey and Mapping, Ministry of Nutural Resour...
A survey on basic water and sanitation facilities in eight target provinces of WaterSHED in Cambodia
This statistical report presents the detail accounts on the situations of the access to latrines in Battambang, Kampong Cham, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Speu, Kampong Thom, Tboung...
Sanitation data coverage
This is a screenshot from WaterSHED website. The screenshot shows that, along with a raw data, WaterSHED published a report titled "A Survey on Basic Water and Sanitation Facili...
Assessing the Quality and Use of birth death and cause-of-death information In Cambodia
The comprehensive assessment reviewed the main aspects of the civil registration and vital statistics systems using the WHO guidance tool. These include the legal and regulatory...