Launching Lower Sesan II Hydropower Dam
The article, from the Office of the Council of Ministers, is about the Prime Minister of Cambodia launching the Lower Sesan II Hydropower Dam.
Inter-Ministerial Prakas No. 2077 on the adjustment of the maximum duration of the provision of new model passport as stated in 14th and 15th of the annex to the Inter-Ministerial Prakas No. 14414, dated 30 December 2016 on the provision of administrative services of the Ministry of Interior
This Prakas hereby announces the adjustment of the maximum duration of the provision of new model passport as stated in 14th and 15th of the annex to the Inter-Ministerial Praka...
Offloading Risks & Avoiding Liabilities: How Financial Institutions Consider Hydropower Risks in Laos
The collapse of Saddle Dam D of the Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Dam project in Southern Laos in July 2018 directed a great deal of public attention to the risks and dangers associated wit...
Forest Plantation Act B.E. 2535 (1992) and Revisions
There shall be added a definition of “Forest by-product” between the definitions of “Plant” and “Sign” in section 3 of the Forest Plantation Act, B.E.2535 (1992).“ The land whic...
Getting to know "Brou", the 50th ethnic group of Laos, according to the National Assembly
The National Assenbly has officially adopted "Brou" as an ethnic group in the Lao PDR on December 5th 2018 during the 6th ordinary session of the National Assembly's 8th legisla...
The political economy of land governance in Lao PDR 2015
n summary, Laos has moved through several key tran-sitions from the colonial period, to wartime, to a period of inwardly-focused socialist practice, to a more outwardly oriented...
Reports submitted by States parties under article 9 of the Convention : International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination : 16th to 18th periodic reports of States parties due in 2009 : Lao People's Democratic Republic
This dataset has no description
Population Census Lao PDR 2005
This is a publication for population census of Lao PDR for 2005.
Statistical Yearbook of Vietnam (2005-2017)
Statistical Yearbook of Vietnam includes: Foreword; Administrative Unit and Climate; Population and Employment; National Account and State budget; Investment; Enterprise; Agric...
Viet Nam National Education for All 2015 Review
In accordance with commitments made to the international community at the International Forum on Education for All held in Dakar, Senegal, in April 2000, Viet Nam established th...
Policy guidelines for new generation schools for basic education in Cambodia
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport has produced the present policy regarding the development of New Generation Schools with the goal of improving educational quality thr...
Bidding announcement for renovation of building and furniture for the new generation school
This is the bidding announcement from the Kampuchean Action for Primary Education to the public for the tender on building and furniture for the new generation school.
Contact detail of commune administrative
This spreadsheet is developed from information gathered from the Community Service Mapping which is produced under the collaboration between HIV/AIDS Coordinating Committee and ...
New generation schools in Cambodia
This is the news extracted from Radio Free Asia, and in Cambodia, there are ten new generation schools established by 2018: four primary schools, a lower secondary school, and 5...
Indicating success: Evaluation of community protected areas in Cambodia
The goal of this paper is to establish some challenges and suitable techniques for improving the livelihoods of people living in Cambodia’s community protected areas. The main i...
Eviction and resistance in Cambodia: Five women tell their stories
Eviction and resistance in Cambodia tells the stories of five women whose lives have been blighted by a tragedy afflicting thousands across Cambodia. Mai, Sophal and Heap and Va...
Cambodia struggling for justice and peace: Report of missions on the 1998 elections
This report presents the results of the last three missions. The findings and recommendations of the first two missions of Forum Asia had been printed in a book entitled "Cambod...
Decision 407/QĐ-TCTK - Survey plan to collect information on current socio-economic situation of 53 ethnic minorities in 2015
Survey to collect information on the current socio-economic situation of 53 ethnic minorities in 2015 for the following main purposes: First, collect information on population,...
The Recognition of Customary Tenure in Vietnam
This thematic study explores the possibilities for strengthening the recognition of customary tenure in Vietnam. It begins with an overview of customary tenure in Vietnam, parti...
Why rights to livelihoods of indigenous ethnic communities in the Mekong region matter
Working on claiming rights to livelihoods, especially land rights and forest rights, of indigenous ethnic communities is never an easy job, particularly in the contexts of the M...