Fisheries in Vietnam: toward sustainable development
Implementing the restructuring of the fisheries sector has created a shift in the industry structure and product structure. At present, the proportion of fishery production valu...
Decision No.490/QD-TTG approving the “One Commune, One Product” programme for the 2018-2020 period
This decision approves the One Commune One product (OCOP) program for the period of 2018 - 2020 with the following principal contents: - The OCOP program looks to develop the...
Agricultural Policies in Viet Nam 2015
This review, undertaken in close co-operation with the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, assesses the performance of Vietnamese agriculture over the last...
Report on the situation of crop production in the first 6 months of 2018
In the first six months of 2018, the growth rate of agricultural production exceeded the set target. However, the situation of natural disasters is posing a challenge to the who...
Year end conference for evaluation performance in 2018 and implementation of 2019 plan - Directorate of Fisheries
In 2018, in the context of the international economy continuing to fall into crisis, many countries return to the trend of trade protection; In Vietnam, the Agriculture sector i...
Plan for growing of 12 major fruit trees in Southern Vietnam
The plan for key fruit tree concentrated growing areas in Southern Vietnam until 2020, which has been approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, focuses on d...
Newsletter on agricultural, forestry and fishery markets (December 28, 2018)
World market information, information on key agricultural commodities markets of Vietnam (Rubber, coffee, pepper, tea, meat, fisheries, wood and timber products), policy updates.
Factsheet: Agriculture in Vietnam
The importance of improving Vietnam´s agricultural system along all parts of the value chain is growing and becoming more visible. This is increasingly opening up the market for...
Report on cultivation in Vietnam 2017
Cultivation is the main production sector of agricultural production. In Vietnam, cultivation sector contributes to 75% of the value of annual agricultural production (in a narr...
Information on agricultural markets in November 2018
Summary of monthly update report for agricultural markets. The article provides information on the export and import value of agricultural, forestry and fishery products, as wel...
Potential, opportunity and solution for attracting investment in agriculture
MARD has just issued a report on "Potentials, opportunities and solutions to attract enterprises to invest in agriculture." Accordingly, policies are implemented right from the ...
Vietnam Agriculture in 2017 – An Impressive Lesson
Following impressive GDP growth of 6.81 per cent in 2017, the government has released a set of measures and priorities to achieve socio-economic development targets in 2018. Vie...
Minister Nguyen Xuan Cuong: The agricultural sector has been highly active and politically determined
On January 10, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development organized Conference: Evaluation of management work during year 2018. The conference was chaired by Minister Nguyen ...
Social and economic situation in 2018
Summary of social economic situation in 2018, including: Economic growth, Macroeconomics stabilization and Inflation control, Social issues.
Statement by Professor Philip Alston, UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights on his visit to Lao PDR, 18-28 March 2019
On paper, the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic has made great progress in poverty reduction over recent decades. And after more than twenty years of striving to graduate from lea...
[DRAFT] TDI User Agreement
TDI User Agreement (Temporary version, when the URL of the TDI website will be determined)
Land-use change in a telecoupled world: the relevance and applicability of the telecoupling framework in the case of banana plantation expansion in Laos
This paper investigates the case of a recent boom in commercial banana cultivation in Luang Namtha Province, Lao PDR, we use a grounded empirical approach starting with the obs...
General Administration Department (GAD) 2016-2017 - Module 6 Forestry Business, Commercial Forestry Sector Section
This is the Commercial Forestry section from Module 6 Forestry Business in the General Administration Department 2016-2017 data.
General Administration Department (GAD) 2016-2017 - Module 6 Land Cover & Land Use, Production of Wood Section
This is the Production of Wood section of the Land Cover & Land Use part from Module 6 in the General Administration Department 2016-2017 data.
General Administration Department (GAD) 2016-2017 - Module 6 Forestry Business, Forest Product Section
This is the Forest Products section from Module 6 Forestry Business in the General Administration Department 2016-2017 data.