Prakas No. 121 on the recognition of the "Ang Intha" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas in Boeng Char village, Boeng Char commune, Sambour commune, Kraite Province
The "Ang Intha" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas with the area of 1,307 hectares is located in Boeng Char village, B...
Prakas No. 124 on the recognition of the "Koh Enchey" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas in Koh Enchey village, Boeng Char commune, Sambour commune, Kraite Province
The "Koh Enchey" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas with the area of 1,380 hectares is located in Koh Enchey village, ...
Prakas No. 122 on the recognition of the "Kampong Damrei" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas in Kampong Damrei village, Boeng Char commune, Sambour commune, Kraite Province
The "Kampong Damrei" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas with the area of 1,302 hectares is located in Kampong ...
Prakas No. 123 on the recognition of the "Kampong Kboeung" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas in Kampong Kboeung village, Boeng Char commune, Sambour commune, Kraite Province
The "Kampong Kboeung" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas with the area of 981 hectares is located in Kampong Kboeung v...
Migrating fish and mobile knowledge: situated fishers knowledge and social networks in the lower Mekong River Basin in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia
Various terms are used to characterize fishers knowledge. Here we use situated fishers knowledge to refer to knowledge about long-distance fish migrations held by ethnic Lao fis...
The identity of Thaen Ethnic Group [Lao PDR]
This booklet explains about the traditions and cultures of Thaen ethnic group
Protecting and Restoring Forests: A Story of Large Commitments yet Limited Progress
In September 2014, a broad coalition of governments, companies, civil society, and indigenous peoples’ organizations endorsed the New York Declaration on Forests (NYDF). Driven ...
Nam ou river basin profile: summary document
The Nam Ou Basin Profile is a collective effort among various stakeholders at the central, provincial, district, and village levels. The main objective of the Nam Ou River Basin...
An Assessment in Monitoring Options and Capacity Building Needs in Houaphanh Province
This report discusses options for identifying and developing forest monitoring methodologies that can estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from forest degradation. This is...
Nutrition in Lao PDR : Causes, Determinants, and Bottlenecks
Undernutrition levels in Lao PDR remain among the highest in the world, despite both rapid economic growth and a significant decline in poverty over the past years. Concerns abo...
Lao PDR Economic Monitor, August 2019 : Maintaining Economic Stability
Economic growth in Lao PDR is projected to rebound to 6.5 percent in 2019, up from 6.3 percent in 2018. This pick up is expected to be driven by growth of the construction secto...
Commercialization of Rice and Vegetables Value Chains in Lao PDR : Status and Prospects
Rice is Lao PDR's biggest agricultural commodity in terms of farmers involved in production, cropland area allocated, and food consumption. Rice also generates important economi...
Economy Profile of the Lao People's Democratic Republic: Doing Business 2019
Sixteenth in a series of annual reports comparing business regulation in 190 economies, Doing Business 2019 covers 11 areas of business regulation. Ten of these areas - starti...
Education For All: National Plan of Action 2003-2015
The National EFA Action Plan contains the Government’s policy and strategic framework for action for basic education which covers development targets and programmes for six basi...
Government Expenditure on Health in Lao PDR : Overall Trends and Findings from a Health Center Survey
This policy note provides an overview of government health financing in the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (PDR), with an added focus on health center financing. The note summa...
Safety, health and well-being of Lao PDR's workers on the rise
The webpage provides an overview of the safety, health, and wellbeing of workers in Lao PDR.
Myanmar union-level budget data
Union-level budget data from officially-published gazettes from Fiscal Year 2011-12 to 2017-18.
2016 Lao PDR Enterprise Survey : Country Highlights
The World Bank Group conducted face-to-face interviews with top managers and business owners of 368 enterprises in Lao PDR from January 2016 through June 2016. The Enterprise Su...
2017 Land Acquisition Bill (Unofficial Translation) [Nov '17 DRAFT]
This dataset has no description
The Lao Cookstove Experience : Redefining Health through Cleaner Energy Solutions
Redefining Health through Cleaner Energy Solutions. In the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic household air pollution from the incomplete combustion of solid fuels is the top healt...