Wildlife Sanctuaries in Thailand
This dataset is the wildlife sanctuaries in Thailand
Railway Network of Thailand
This is the railway networks in Thailand.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Laos
This dataset shows the cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Laos. The dataset information will be updated according to the information from publicly available sources (official w...
Mekong Women in Open Data
Gender inequality underscores the lives of women all over the world. It is rooted in systems of governance and cultural norms that function to perpetuate this inequality. The sy...
Mekong Infrastructure Tracker
"The Mekong Infrastructure Tracker database builds on existing data to present a comprehensive source of information on energy, transportation, and water infrastructure in the M...
Circular on implementation of prakas on credit risk grading and impairment provisioning
The National Bank of Cambodia introduced the additional implementation information of prakas on credit risk grading and impairment provisioning aims to facilitate for bank and f...
Instruction No. 24 on the measures to improve efficiency and telecoms quality of service
Ministry of Post and Telecommunications issued an instruction on the measures to improve efficiency and telecoms quality of service, thrust to promote public interest, business ...
Instruction No.07 on the prevention the transmission of COVID-19 during 03 days’ holiday in Khmer New Year’s day
Ministry of Cult and Religious issued an instruction on the prevention the transmission of COVID-19 during 03 days’ holiday in Khmer New Year’s day. To protect the people’s live...
Instruction No. 40 on the distance learning and e-learning for pilot implementation of non-formal secondary education equivalents in Kampong Speu and Tbong Khmum provinces
Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport released an instruction on the distance learning and e-learning for pilot implementation of non-formal secondary education equivalents fo...
Instruction No. 21 on the strengthening health safety measures in educational establishments
Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport issued an instruction on strengthening health safety measures to preventing the transmission of COVID-19 into educational establishments.
Instruction No. 06 on the suspension of religious ceremonies, meetings, and religious events
Ministry of Cults and Religious issued an instruction on the suspension of religious ceremonies, meetings, and religious events concerning the transmission in the community tran...
Instruction No. 21 on the improvement the quality of telecommunication services
Ministry of Post and Telecommunications issued an instruction on the improvement the quality of telecommunication services in the context of COVID-19 to facilitate adequate usag...
Data Literacy Module 6: Data Security and Digital Rights
Data literacy is the ability to read, understand, work with, analyze, and argue with data. It is also the ability to derive meaningful information from data. Data literacy is no...
Data Literacy Module 5: Thinking Like a Data Journalist
Data literacy is the ability to read, understand, work with, analyze, and argue with data. It is also the ability to derive meaningful information from data. Data literacy is no...
Data Literacy Module 4: Visualizing Data
Data literacy is the ability to read, understand, work with, analyze, and argue with data. It is also the ability to derive meaningful information from data. Data literacy is no...
Data Literacy Module 3: Understanding Data
Data literacy is the ability to read, understand, work with, analyze, and argue with data. It is also the ability to derive meaningful information from data. Data literacy is no...
Data Literacy Module 2: Finding Data, Data Collection & Data Formats
Data literacy is the ability to read, understand, work with, analyze, and argue with data. It is also the ability to derive meaningful information from data. Data literacy is no...
Data Literacy Module 1: From Evidence to Stories
Data literacy is the ability to read, understand, work with, analyze, and argue with data. It is also the ability to derive meaningful information from data. Data literacy is no...
Instruction on the prevention of COVID-19 in factories at the community transmission event on 20 February
This instruction aims to lay out the protection and prevention mechanism for the transmission of COVID-19 in factories at the community transmission event on 20 February.
Extended implementation of measure and prevention, control, containment and responses to COVID-19 (20 June - 4 July 2021)
Government notification on COVID-19 restrictions and some relaxed measures from 20 June to 04 July 2021