Prakas No. 369 on the organization and functioning of the information technology council of the Ministry of Economy and Finance
The Information Technology Council of the Ministry of Economy and Finance is established to lead, coordinate, and promote the construction and development of information and di...
Impact of Covid-19 on civil and political rights – study on patterns and risks of violation by the measures taken by State authorities to tackle the virus outbreak in Viet Nam
To grasp and highlight patterns and risks of violations of civil and political rights as enshrined in the ICCPR by the measures taken by the authorities in Viet Nam in combating...
Sub-decree No. 42 on the land reclassification to the 4 civil servant families in Banteay Meanchey
Sub-decree No. 42 on the land reclassification covering 4 buildings with an area of 320 square meters and 4 buildings as E0 + E1 with an area of 640 square meters, which is...
The list of the township declared by the Ministry of Health and Sports to be included in the Stay-home programme
The Ministry of Health and Sports has announced that the people who are residing in following townships are involved in the Stay-at-Home programme.
Announcement on Extension of the Precautionary Restriction Measures_April 30, 2021
Visitor entry restriction relating to control of COVID-19 from all the country were extended until May 31, 2021.
Ministry of Health and Sports Order 274/2021_July 4, 2021
Pathein, Myaungmya and Thabaung townships in Ayeyawady Region are involved in the Stay-at-Home programme.
Ministry of Health and Sports Order 273/2021_July 2, 2021
The Ministry of Health and Sports has announced that the people residing in Homalin Township of the Sagaing Region, Pyi Oo Lwin township of the Mandalay region and Naung Cho tow...
Ministry of Health and Sports Order 272/2021_July 2, 2021
The Ministry of Health and Sports has announced that some particular townships in Bago, Mandalay and Sagain region and Shan, and Chin state are placed under the Stay-home progra...
Ministry of Health and Sports Order 270/2021_July 1, 2021
The Ministry of Health and Sports has announced that Thayawady and Minhla townships in Bago region and Chanmyatharzi, Chanayetharzan, Pyigyidagon, Mahaaungmye, and Aungmyaythaza...
Ministry of Health and Sports Order 266/2021_June 27, 2021
The Ministry of Health and Sports has announced that Laukkai township in Kokang Self-Administered Zone in Shan State is placed under the Stay-home programme.
Ministry of Health and Sports Order 265/2021_June 26, 2021
The Ministry of Health and Sports has announced that Lashio townships in Shan State is placed under the Stay-home programme.
Ministry of Health and Sports Order 260/2021_June 21, 2021
The Ministry of Health and Sports has announced that Phyu township in Bago region is included in the Stay-home programme.
Ministry of Health and Sports Order 254/2021_June, 18 2021
The Ministry of Health and Sports has announced that Letpadan townships in Bago region is placed under the Stay-home programme.
Ministry of Health and Sports Order 127/2021_June 2, 2021
The Ministry of Health and Sports has announced that four townships in Chin State are placed under the Stay-home programme.
Ministry of Health and Sports Order 124/2021_June 2, 2021
The Ministry of Health and Sports has announced that Kalay Township in Sagaing Region are placed under the Stay-home programme.
Announcement of precautionary restrictions for travellers from the Republic of India and the People’s Republic of Bangladesh visiting Myanmar
Ministry of Health and Sports will implement travel ban to residents of the Republic of India and the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and travelers who had visited these countri...
Ministry of Health and Sports Order 116/2021_May 28, 2021
The Ministry of Health and Sports has announced that Chin State, Hton Zan Township and Tamu Township in Sagaing Region are placed under the Stay-home programme.
Notification of prevention and protection from the third wave of COVID-19
Previously, the spread of COVID-19 infection is dramatically increased. In order to prevent and protect the third Wave COVID-19 infection, individual must follow this notification.
Ministry of Health and Sports Order 55/2021_April 9, 2021
Ministry of Health and Supports passed several rules and policies that must follow during the traditional water festival in order to protect and prevent the pandemics.
Ministry of Health and Sports Order 54/2021_April 9, 2021
Various township in Kachin, Mandalay, Yangon, Bago, and Ayeyawaddy regions under the Stay-home programme has cancelled.