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Last updated July 17, 2024
Created July 17, 2024
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License License not specified
Name Feasibility Study: Environmental Impact Assessment, Public Relations and Public Hearing: Bhumibol Reservoir Inflow Augmentation Project
Resource's languages
  • English

The Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE) and related state agencies realize the importance of water shortage problem ni the Chao Phraya Basin, they therefore try to solve this problem by improving existing projects and developing new water resource projects. However, these measures can only partly solve the water scarcity problem. To have a long-terms solution, water availability should be augmented. The development of Bhumibol Reservoir Inflow Augmentation Project can also provide a solution to this problem since Bhumibol Reservoir has a potential for receiving a large quantity of water. The water can be taken from donor basins without constructing a new reservoir. For integrated development, local communities should develop water sources efficiently.