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  • National Footprint Accounts

    This is a shareable data set, accessed from the Global Happy Planet Index under a creative commons license. It contains the data used to calculate this index. The 2017 version h...

  • World Bank Country and Lending Groups

    The current (2018) classification of countries by Gross National Income (GNI) per capita used by the World Bank to defined their lending policies in XLS format

  • Join Statement of the tenth ASEAN Ministerial meeting on Transnational Crime (10th AMMTC)

    The statement of the ASEAN Ministers from Brunei Darussalam, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Republic of Indonesia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Republic of ...

  • The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 2016

    A report by L. Ababouch on The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 2016 Contributing to food security and nutrition for all, published in Rome, Italy by FAO Fisheries and A...

  • Turn down the heat : climate extremes, regional impacts, and the case for resilience

    This shortened version of the longer "Turn down the heat" report was prepared by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Climate Analytics and focusses on the reg...

  • Global Carbon Atlas

    The Global Carbon Atlas is a platform to explore and visualize the most up-to-date data on carbon fluxes resulting from human activities and natural processes. Human impacts on...

  • Towards the implementation of the SSF Guidelines in the Southeast Asia region

    Proceedings of the Southeast Asia Regional Consultation Workshop on the Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context ...

  • Press Release: The South China Sea Arbitration (The Republic of The Philippines v. The People's Republic of China)

    Press release on the outcome of the arbitration instituted by the Republic of the Philippines against the People’s Republic of China

  • Summary and Overview of World Wildlife Crime Report

    Summary on report on global wildlife trafficking by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

  • SDG Indicator: 15.1.1 - Forest area as a proportion of total land area

    SDG Indicator: 15.1.1 - Forest area as a proportion of total land area from UN Stats.

  • Agriculture, value added (% of GDP)

    World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files. Agriculture corresponds to ISI divisions 1-5 and includes forestry, hunting, and fishing, as well as cu...

  • Women in Fisheries in Asia

    This paper begins with a review of the cultural and political background of selected Asian countries (Bangladesh,Cambodia, Kuwait, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, the Lao PDR, Ma...

  • Master plan on ASEAN connectivity 

    The Associaton of Southeast Asian Nations' master plan for increasing connectivity in the region published in 2010, developed with impetus from the 15th ASEAN Summit in Cha-am H...

  • Deltas at Risk

    The Delta at Risk study is a global, systematic assessment of how delta risk is increasing due to sea-level rise and human drivers of delta land subsidence. Risk is expected to ...

  • Asia's agrarian reform in reverse: laws taking land out of small farmers' hands

    The April 2015 edition of Against the Grain -- a report by Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN) on laws and mechanisms in Asia that result in land transfer from indepe...

  • Rule of Law Index 2015, Asia Pacific

    Scores for the Asia Pacific region in the World Justice Project's Rule of Law Index, 2015. Collated for a visualization on the OD Mekong Law and judiciary page (https://opendeve...

  • Environmental Performance Index: 2016 report

    The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) ranks countries’ performance on high-priority environmental issues in two areas: protection of human health and protection of ecosystem...

  • Assessing the assessments: Transboundary impact assessment in the Mekong River and other international watercourses

    A presentation on transboundary impact assessments (TIAs) in the Mekong River and other international watercourses. The presenter outlines research by the Environmental Law Inst...

  • Developing agreements for transboundary EIA in Asia: From sub-regional to regional?

    A presentation discussing the potential for a regional agreement on transboundary environmental impact assessments (TEIA) in Asia. The presenter introduces regional and sub-regi...

  • Risk-sensitive development in Asia, 12th meeting of the Regional Consultative Committee (RCC) on Disaster Management

    Proceedings of the 12th Regional Consultative Committee on Disaster Management, held 16-18 June 2015 in Bhutan. This document provides background on the RCC, disaster risk reduc...