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  • Social security and labor migration in ASEAN

    This policy brief takes a preliminary look at portability of social security in ASEAN, particularly old-age, retirement, and survivor benefits. Portability of social security af...

  • ASEAN action plan on joint response to climate change

    The ASEAN Leaders’ Statement on Joint Response to Climate Change (adopted 9 April 2010) recognized that the Southeast Asian region is vulnerable to climate change. In reference...

  • Labour migration landscape in Asia (2015): Recent trends and policies

    This presentation provides an update on trends in migration and policies in Asia. Data is provided on intra-ASEAN migration shares; shares of outflow of international migrant wo...

  • Labour migration landscape in Asia (2014): Recent trends in migration and policies

    A presentation analysing recent trends in migration and policies in Asia. Data is provided on the outflow of migrants to Gulf countries, southeast Asian countries, and Korea. Pu...

  • The IUCN programme 2005-2008: Many voices, one earth

    A document outlining the IUCN programme 2005-2008, adopted at the World Conservation Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, 17-25 November 2004. The Programme document provides the framew...

  • Staying the course: World Bank East Asia and Pacific economic update

    Economic performance and prospects of East Asian and Pacific economies. The document includes updates on recent developments, trends in growth, poverty reduction, trade flows a...

  • Financial literacy around the world: Insights from the Standard and Poor's Ratings Services global financial literacy survey

    The Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services Global Financial Literacy Survey is the world’s largest, most comprehensive global measurement of financial literacy. It probes knowledge ...

  • ASEAN environmental education action plan (AEEAP) 2008-2012: Environmental education for sustainable development

    This action plan, with the theme “Environmental Education for Sustainable Development”, was endorsed by the ASEAN Environment Ministers on 6 September 2007. The plan succeeded t...

  • ASEAN environmental education action plan 2014-2018

    This Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Environmental Education Action Plan contributes to ASEAN's vision by providing a regional framework for enhancing public awar...

  • Country profiles for population and reproductive health: Policy developments and indicators 2005

    A series of Asia-Pacific country profiles providing data on population and reproductive health. Each profile includes a country overview and statistics on population, public hea...

  • Benefits, costs, and feasibility of a monetary union for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

    A paper assessing the feasibility of a monetary union among ASEAN countries. Through quantitative and qualitative methods, the paper assesses the benefits and costs. The author ...

  • How much modelling is enough? (river basin modelling)

    This presentation focuses on four large, representative river basins to review the types and accessibility of basin-scale models; identify overlaps and duplicate investments; an...

  • Viewpoint – The World Bank versus the World Commission on Dams

    A viewpoint article about dynamics between the World Bank Group (the Bank) and World Commission on Dams (WCD). The Bank has long resisted guidelines from reformers and the WCD r...

  • Resolutions and recommendations: World conservation congress, Bangkok, Thailand, 17-25 November 2004

    This document contains the list of resolutions and recommendations considered or adopted at the World Conservation Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, 17-25 November, 2004. In total 80...

  • Labour and social trends in ASEAN 2010, sustaining recovery and development through decent work

    A presentation about labour and social trends in ASEAN 2010. The presenter discusses economic recovery and the challenge of re-balancing growth. They then cover labour market re...

  • Assessment of RBO-level mechanisms for sustainable hydropower development and management

    This report documents lessons learnt on transboundary cooperation mechanisms that can support the sustainable development and management of hydropower projects. The lessons are ...

  • Freedom in the world 2015. Discarding democracy: Return to the iron fist

    This annual report evaluates the condition of political rights and civil liberties in 195 countries and 15 territories. For the ninth consecutive year, the report showed an over...

  • Current trends in employment, and industrial relations and labour laws in Asia

    A presentation about trends in employment, industrial relations and labour laws in Asia. The presenter discusses the population of Asia that constitute the ‘working poor’. They ...

  • ASEAN framework on extractives industries governance

    This presentation gives an overview of the ASEAN Framework on Extractives Industries Governance. The presenter outlines the context of the framework, the importance of the extra...

  • Open data for sustainable development

    This policy note outlines the applications and benefits of Open Data for sustainable development. The authors discuss what Open Data is and how it relates to broadly defined int...