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  • Forest cover trends in the Northern Plains of Cambodia 2002-2010

    We present results of an analysis of forest cover trends in the Northern Plains landscape in Cambodia from 2002 to 2010. This report will be used to inform development of a REDD...

  • An Agricultural research article: Cambodia’s Accession to the World Trade Organization and Its Impact on Agriculture

    The purpose of this Note is to explain the reasons why Cambodia joined the World Trade Organization ("WTO"), show the difficulties the country will have to overcome in order to ...

  • Export Competitiveness of the Cambodian Rubber Sector Relative to Other Greater Mekong Subregion Suppliers a simple descriptive analysis

    The development of the Cambodian rubber industry during the past two years has been noticeably positive due to the substantial and continuous rise in prices of natural rubber. I...

  • Public-Private Partnerships Energy and Infrastructure in Cambodia

    Public-private partnerships (PPPs) can help in addressing the concerns of infrastructure development and narrow export base to promote business climate in Cambodia. In partnersh...

  • Cambodian journal of natural history

    This volume of the Cambodia’s peer-reviewed scientific periodical was published in 2012 by Centre for Biodiversity Conservation. This journal addresses the information on the co...

  • Land tenure security and poverty reduction

    "Land is fundamental to the lives of poor rural people. It is a source of food, shelter, income and social identity. Secure access to land reduces vulnerability to hunger and po...

  • Catchment Profile of the Sekong, Sesan and Srepok (3S) Rivers (in Cambodia)

    This summary prepared by ITC covers information taken from various reports and studies and includes hydro-meteorological data, agricultural and industrial activities, and pote...

  • Children of the dust : abuse of Hanoi street children in detention

    This report appeared in Human Rights Watch Vol 18, No 14, November 2006. documents cases of serious violations of the rights of street children in Hanoi in 2000. Text in English.

  • Asia regional workshop: Indicators relevant for indigenous peoples, the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Millennium Development Goals

    Proceedings of a regional workshop on Held in Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, 7-10 November 2006. The objectives of the Workshop were: (a) to learn about global wor...

  • Irrigation reform in Asia a review of 108 cases of irrigation management transfer

    Like the proverbial happy families of Tolstoy, it is thought that all successful water users associations (WUA’s) have intrinsic commonalities and once these are understood, WUA...

  • Resources, rights and cooperation a sourcebook on property rights and collective action for sustainable development

    This first CAPRi sourcebook is a fitting commemoration of the 15th anniversary of CAPRi. Unique among other training materials, it is based directly on the experiences and lesso...

  • Stolen land and stolen future : a report of land grabbing in Cambodia

    The focus of this report is land grabbing in Cambodia. it is based on APRODEV Agencies experience from many years of development work. The report documents how affected commu...

  • What shall we do without our land? land grabs and resistance in rural Cambodia

    Abstract: "Political dynamics of the global land grab are exemplified in Cambodia, where at least 27 forced evictions took place in 2009, affecting 23,000 people. Evictions of t...

  • CSO land reform monitoring

    Paper prepared by Roel R. Ravanera for the Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ANGOC) and Land Watch Asia (LWA) examines progress in land reform...

  • Land rights and the rush for land findings of the global commercial pressures on land research project

    More than 40 organisations collaborated in this global research project through case studies, thematic studies, and regional overviews, from which the content and analysis ...

  • Cambodia: An assessment of forest conflict at the community level

    An assessment of community level forest conflict in Cambodia. It was conducted as part of a project to understand the types, causes, and impacts of conflicts over forest resourc...

  • Land grabbing in Cambodia: Narratives, mechanisms, resistance

    Rural areas in Cambodia have been the target of large-scale land acquisitions since the late 1990s. As of March 2012, economic land concessions in Cambodia covered more than 2 m...

  • Land acquistion by non-local actors and consequences for local development: Impacts of economic land concessions on the livelihoods of indigenous communities in northeast provinces of Cambodia

    A study summarising existing information related to land issues and governance of indigenous communities, and assessing the impact of economic land concessions on indigenous com...

  • Dey Krahorm community land case explained

    This document aims to explain the land case involving the Dey Krahorm community in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It was compiled as an advocacy and legal tool to support the families wh...

  • (15 February 2013) Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to non-discrimination in this context, Raquel Rolnik

    The Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, Raquel Rolnik, undertook an official visit to the World Bank Group from...