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35 datasets found

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  • Special economic zone in Cambodia (2006-2024)

    This dataset describes the information of special economic zone (SEZ) in Cambodia from 2006 to 2024. The total number of 55 SEZs are recorded in point that data was collected fr...

  • Regional midwife expansion index

    The 2010 Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey (2010 CDHS) provided by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Planning is a collection of data to monitor and evaluate populatio...

  • Natural protected areas in Cambodia (1993-2023)

    This dataset contains data of eight types of protected areas in Cambodia (national park, wildlife sanctuary, protected landscape, multiple use, natural heritage site, Ramsar sit...

  • Oil and gas blocks in Cambodia (2007-2020)

    This dataset describes the information of oil and gas in Cambodia from 2007 to 2020. The data was collected from many sources by ODC’s mappers such as government and NGO agency ...

  • Access to health facilities

    This raster dataset provides access to health facilities information in Cambodia, as given by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Dataset were provided to Open Development Camb...

  • Polling stations in Phnom Penh (2013)

    The dataset describes the information on the locations of all polling stations for the national election in 2013 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The data was collected from National El...

  • Transmission lines in Cambodia (1999-2014)

    This dataset describes the information of transmission lines for each of Cambodia’s province from 1999 to 2014. The data was collected from many sources by ODC’s mappers such as...

  • Distribution of soil types in Cambodia (Crocker, 1962)

    This vector dataset provides the distribution of soil types in Cambodia, as provided by Crocker (1962). Sixteen different soil types are given: red-yellow podzols, latosols, pla...

  • Soil fertility map (2003)

    The dataset provides soil fertility levels of different areas in Cambodia. Geographic data is encoded in the WGS 84 coordinate reference system. Data were provided to ODC in vec...

  • Arsenic concentration hotspots in Cambodia (2010)

    This vector dataset provides the arsenic concentration hotspots in Cambodia, as provided by Cambodia Well Map database. Data were provided to ODC in raster format by Save Cambod...

  • Population projections for 2030 in Cambodia (2010)

    This dataset provides projected population of 2030, projected annual growth rate in each province in Cambodia, given by National Institute of Statistics and the United Nations. ...

  • Indigenous people areas in Cambodia

    This vector dataset describes the areas where the indigenous communities were located in Cambodia. Dataset were provided to Open Development Cambodia (ODC) in vector format by ...

  • Hydroelectric sites in Cambodia (1999-2014)

    This dataset describes the information of hydroelectric sites (substations) for each of Cambodia’s province from 1999 to 2014. The data was collected from many sources by ODC’s ...

  • Population density

    This vector dataset provides the population density by commune in Cambodia, as provided by Cambodian Demographic Census 2008 (Ministry of Planning, National Institute of Statist...

  • Key biodiversity areas (KBA) and important bird areas (IBA) of Cambodia (2013)

    This asset provides boundaries of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) in Cambodia, the development status and priority status of each and whether each KBA is a BirdLife International-d...

  • Eviction and relocation hotspots in Cambodia (2013)

    This asset provides the area of eviction hotspots and relocation hotspots in Cambodia, with raster value that demonstrates number of families affected, given by Sahmakum Teang T...

  • Aquaculture production and consumption in Cambodia (2011)

    This vector dataset provides aquaculture production and consumption metrics for 2011 in Cambodia, as provided by the Cambodian Fisheries Administration. Data were provided to OD...

  • Gene-ecological zones of Cambodia (2003)

    The dataset provides map boundaries of around 10 different zones that can be delineated and that each zone can be characterized and differentiated on the basis of its geographic...

  • Fish production

    This vector dataset provides aquaculture production metrics for 2011 in Cambodia, as provided by the Cambodian Fisheries Administration. Data were provided to Open Development C...

  • Rice ecosystem map for Cambodia

    This vector dataset provides the locations of rice ecosystem types in Cambodia, as given by the International Rice Research Institute's (IRRI) Cambodia-IRRI Rice Project. Four d...