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19 library_records found

Topics: SDG13 Climate Action Search Result For: library_record

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  • The climate dictionary

    The Climate Dictionary is an initiative aimed at providing an everyday guide to understanding climate change. It seeks to bridge the gap between complex scientific jargon and th...

  • Climate change data art exhibition report

    This report illustrates the Climate Change Data Art Exhibition on 10 December 2023, which took place at Prayuters Library in Hmor Seth village, Sangkat Pal Hal, Krong Preah Vihe...

  • USAID GREENING PREY LANG Northern Plains Landscape REDD+ Feasibility Assessment

    The Northern Plains Landscape (NPL) of Cambodia encompasses the intersection of natural habitat, biodiversity, and people. A woven system of critical forests and wetlands, the l...

  • Shifting Cultivation in Myanmar’s REDD+ Development: A review of three REDD+ program documents

    This report provides a review of shifting cultivation across three Myanmar REDD+ programme documents. The initial background study on drivers of deforestation concluded that mor...

  • Climate change vulnerability mapping for greater Mekong sub-region

    It is well recognized that the impacts of climate change pose a serious threat to socio-economic, environment, and people’s livelihoods,particularly those in developing cou...

  • The climate change response handbook for NGOs' staff and relevant institutions

    This handbook is intended to assist NGOs' staff and government agencies in training their partners on the causes, impacts, and responses to the climate change.

  • Indigenous women and climate change

    Out of the approximate 370 million total indigenous peoples in the world, 185 million are estimated to be women. Indigenous peoples are disproportionately suffering from a multi...

  • Cambodia’s Voluntary National Review 2019: On the implementation of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development

    In the last forty years, Cambodia has made enormous progress in recovering from protracted conflict and genocide, and the accompanying blows to the country’s social and economic...

  • Climate Change Vulnerability Mapping for South East Asia

    This paper provides information on the sub-national areas (regions/districts/provinces) most vulnerable to climate change impacts in Southeast Asia. This assessment was carried ...

  • Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

    The adoption of 'Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’ represents the culmination of efforts to develop a successor to the Millennium Development ...

  • Finance for Climate Action in Asia and the Pacific: A Regional Action Agenda to Access Debt Capital Markets

    Developing countries in Asia and the Pacific are historically the least responsible for greenhouse gas emissions that result in climate change, but are most vulnerable to its en...

  • Vietnam: Vulnerability, Risk Reduction, and Adaptation to Climate Change

    This Country Profile ( is part of a series of 31 priority country briefs developed by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and R...

  • The National Green Growth Roadmap

    The National Green Growth Roadmap envisions a combination of objectives for economic growth and development, human well‐being, and environmental quality, which will promote the ...

  • Cambodia’s Second National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

    This Second National Communication has been prepared to fulfill Cambodia’s commitments to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It contains the nec...

  • Viet Nam: Energy Sector Assessment, Strategy, and Road Map

    This energy sector assessment, strategy, and road map for Viet Nam documents the current assessment of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and the strategic investment priorities ...

  • Making SDGs Work for Climate Change Hotspots

    The impacts of climate change on people's livelihoods have been widely documented. It is expected that climate and environmental change will hamper poverty reduction, or even ex...

  • Understanding the costs and benefits of climate change adaptation in Thailand

    UNDP-GIZ workshop on applying cost-benefit analysis and ecosystem-based adaptation supports adaptation planning for Thailand Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives.

  • Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific 2015: SDG 13 Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

    While the deadline for achieving all 17 Sustainable Development Goals is 15 years into the future, Goal 13 calls for “urgent” action to combat climate change and its adverse imp...

  • Basin-wide impacts of climate change on ecosystem services in the Lower Mekong Basin

    Water resources support more than 60 million people in the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) and are important for food security—especially rice production—and economic security. This s...

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