Guide to biodiversity in the farmscapes of Lao PDR (Lao version)
A Lao translation of a handbook about farmscape biodiversity in Laos. The handbook is intended to provide a brief overview of the special habitats in each region of the country ...
Wildlife in Lao PDR 1999 status report
Report provides annotated species lists of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals in Lao PDR. Species accounts are presented for each species, with information on seasonal sta...
This dataset has no description
Management Plan of Boung Kiat Ngong Ramsar Site,Phathomphone District, Champasak Province, Lao PDR 2013-2017
A 2013-2017 management plan for the Beung Kiat Ngong Wetland, one of two sites in Laos recognised by the Ramsar convention. This document is based on recommendations from the Ra...
Vietnam Tropical Forest and Biodiversity Assessment
Sections 118 and 119 of the Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) of 1961, as amended, mandate the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to undertake analysis of bio...
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan – Myanmar
NBSAP Myanmar is a commitment of the Government and its people to the sustainable use of biological resources and to the fulfillment of Myanmar’s obligations, as a member countr...
Biodiversity and Protected Areas – Myanmar
Myanmar lies on the western side of Indochina between latitudes 10000' and 28030' N, and longitudes 92010' and 101010' E, the northernmost areas lying outside the tropics. Its a...
Aichi Biodiversity Targets
A summary of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and their associated indicators
Fifth National Report to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
This report profiles biodiversity in the Lao PDR with respect to forests. wetlands, and protected areas. It addresses the trends experienced for biodiversity protection and the ...
Common guidance for the identification of High Conservation Value
This document builds on a series of Good Practice guides for High Conservation Value (HCV) practitioners and auditors. Over the past few years, as global HCV definitions are ame...
Biodiversity: Facts and Figures
Laura Hood summarises the latest data on the world's biodiversity, with facts and figures on its value and efforts to conserve it. This feature contains the latest data on th...
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
About Introduction The IUCN Species Programme working with the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) has been assessing the conservation status of species, subspecies, variet...
Provincial Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Xieng Khouang Province
The provincial level strategy for protecting biodiversity and handling related economic issues for the Xieng Khouang province.
Lao PDR Biodiversity: Economic Assessment
This report aims to document the current economic status of biodiversity in Lao PDR, and to use this information to identify needs for the use of incentives, financing mechanism...
National biodiversity strategy to 2020 and action plan to 2010
Maintain the diverse biodiversity as one key to poverty alleviation and protect the current asset base of the poor
Consuming the future: The real status of biodiversity in Lao PDR
A review of biodiversity in Laos, including comparing perceptions and realities, two case studies, and details of threats to biodiversity.
The report analyzes the system and classifies the Hue forest ecosystem in Oudomxay province
The report analyzes the system and classifies the Hue forest ecosystem in Oudomxay province
Ecosystem Profile: Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot
This document represents the ecosystem profile for the Indo-Burma Hotspot, whichcomprises all non-marine parts of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, plus parts of...
Musa serpentina (Musaceae): a new banana species from western border of Thailand
Musa serpentina Swangpol & Somana, a new species from Thailand in areas bordering Myanmar is described and illustrated. A key is given to the wild bananas of the area
The economic value of ecosystem services in the Mekong Basin: What we know, and what we need to know
In green economies, natural capital is incorporated into measurement of societal progress and equity, and recognized and managed as a fundamental pillar of economic and human we...