Policy and strategy on information and communication technology in education
The Royal Government of Cambodia recognizes that ICT will increasingly become a key tool to transform the national economy and industry, and to improve the lives of its people. ...
Policy and strategies on information and communication technology in education in Cambodia
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) is introducing various initiatives to facilitate greater integration of information and communication technology (ICT) to impr...
Setting to use numbers in Khmer
Setting to use numbers in Khmer aims to unify the use of the number system in the Khmer language and to make the Khmer number system more rational.
Instruction No. 40 on the distance learning and e-learning for pilot implementation of non-formal secondary education equivalents in Kampong Speu and Tbong Khmum provinces
Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport released an instruction on the distance learning and e-learning for pilot implementation of non-formal secondary education equivalents fo...
Education and Sports Sector Development Plan (2016-2020)
This Education Sector Development Plan (ESDP) for 2016-2020 draws on the achievements, challenges and lessons learned from the Education Sector Development Plan 2011-2015. Based...
Policy on higher education vision 2030
Cambodia Higher Education Vision 2030 will ensure comprehensive equity and access for students, efficient and smooth coordination and management of higher education, necessary m...
Policy guidelines for new generation schools for basic education in Cambodia
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport has produced the present policy regarding the development of New Generation Schools with the goal of improving educational quality thr...