Sub-decree no. 216 on daily subsistence allowance for mission inside and outside the country
This sub-decree aims to set allowance for missions within and outside the country of heads of state, public civil servants, and contact officials of Ministries, Institutions, Na...
Sub-decree no. 48 on the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation
This sub-decree determines the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation, which fulfills the mission of the Royal Government o...
Sub-decree No. 282 on the organization and functioning of the National Committee for Coordination of Information and Public Opinion
The Royal of Government of Cambodia (RGC) establishes the National Committee for Coordination of Information and Public Opinion (NCIPO) to responsible for protecting the achieve...
Sub-decree No. 220 on the organization and functioning of the Digital Economy and Business Committee
This sub-decree sets out the organization and functioning of the Digital Economy and Business Committee (DEBC) to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of on behalf of a gener...
Decision No.61 on the determination of the work regime and the division of responsibilities of the leaders of the Royal Government
This decision determines the regime of work and divides the responsibilities of the Prime Minister and the Senior Minister in charge of special missions to ensure law enforcemen...
Proclamation No. 109 on the decision on the validity of the mandate of the 7th legislature of the National Assembly
This proclamation lists the candidates elected to the 7th legislature of the National Assembly, which was decided on the validity of 125 mandates in the first session of the 7th...
The Administrator General's (Amendment) Act 1957
The Administrator General's (Amendment) Act 1957
Sub-decree No. 111 on the organization and functioning of the sub-committees of the national committee for sub-national democratic development
This sub-decree aims to identify the organization and functioning of the sub-committees of the National Committee for Democratic Development at the sub-nati...
The Internal Regulations of the National Assembly
This Regulation states about the internal rule in the National Assembly and how its function.
Thailand's National Strategy B.E. 2561 - 2580 (A.D. 2018 - 2037)
Section 65 stipulates that the State shall establish a national strategy. The goal is to develop a sustainable country based on good governance, to use the national strategy as ...
Law on the Ratification of the Agreement on Economic and Technical Cooperation on January 17, 1994 between the Kingdom of Cambodia and the People's Republic of China
This Law state about the ratification of the agreement on Economic and Technical Cooperation and Cooperation dated January 17, 1994 between the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Peopl...
Law on the Common Statute of Civil Servants of Cambodia
Civil servants of the administrations of the Kingdom of Cambodia, excluding judges of the juridical order and civil servants of the legislative order, shall be subject to the fo...