Minerals Act, B.E. 2560 (2017)
The State has the duty to undertake mineral management with a view to achieving optimal benefits of the nation and the people in a sustainable manner, having regard to the equi...
Prakas No. 141 on Authorizing Delcom Cambodia Pte. Ltd to operate exploration mines resources in Phnom Dek, Preah Vihear province. eah Vihear
Delcom Cambodia Pte. Ltd had been granted exploration license in an area of 216 Km2 in Phnom Dek, Preah Vihear province and 198 Km2 in Kravar, Kampong Thom province. The detaile...
Proclamation No. 102 on Permission of White Sand Exploitation to SERIKA Co. Ltd in Koh Kon's Tamann-Peam Raing Areag
This proclamation grants a permit to SERICA Co. Ltd to exploit white sand over the total areas of 30 square kilometers in Tamann-Peam Raing area in Koh Kong province. A precise...
Circular No. 360 on procedures and progress of application, examining, assessing and responding to exploration license applications (Mineral Resources)
In order to promote and develop the mining industry in Cambodia and to contribute to the development of the national economy, the granting of exploration licenses to individuals...
Prakas No. 554 on Allowing SUNTRADING CO Ltd to Conduct Exploration of Mining Resources in Memong area, Mondulkiri province
SUNTRADING CO Ltd has been permitted to explore mineral resources in Memong area, Mondulkiri province. The exploration takes over a land area of 94 km2. The spatial coordinates ...
Prakas no. 0093 on the procedures for self-declaration and payment of royalties on mineral resources by concessionaires with open mining and quarrying stations for mining and construction
This Prakas aims to strengthen the management and revenue collection of all types of construction royalties and to determine the procedures for self-declaration of royalties and...
Notification on the first industrial gold mining and refinery
Renaissance Minerals (Cambodia) Limited is the first Australian company to start industrial gold mining to international standards, producing today a semi-finished gold bar with...
Inter-ministerial Prakas no. 760 on royalty rates on mineral products and royalties payment procedures
All concessionaires except the exploration and mining licenses (referred to as "concessionaires") must pay the state a royalty on the value of the mineral products (or "royaltie...
Prakas No. 142 on Authorizing Delcom Cambodia Pte.Ltd to Search for Mines in Krava, Kampong Thom
This Prakas allows Delcom Cambodia Pte.Ltd, located at No. 320, Kampuchea Krom Blvd, Phnom Penh, to carry out an exploration operation in the Krava area of Kampong Thom Provin...
Exploration license No. 868 on Authorizing Cambodia Iron and Steel Mining Industry Group to continue iron mines exploration in Roveang, Preah Vihear province.
The exploration license has authorized Cambodia Iron and Steel Mining Industry Group to continue the iron mine exploration in the area of Roveang district, Preah Vihear province...
Mineral Law (amended 2017)
This decree divides into 15 sessions and consists of 136 articles. It defines the principle, regulations, and measures and monitoring, inspects, and protect trade and all busine...
Decision No. 522 on the authorization of Liberty Mining International PTY LTD to conduct metallic ores exploration in Chey Sen area, Chey Sen and Chhep districts, Preah Vihear province
The exploration license has authorized Liberty Mining International PTY LTD to conduct metallic ores exploration in Chey Sen area, Chey Sen and Chhep dist...
Sub-decree No 195 on management of exporting mineral products
The sub-decree is established with a goal to manage the mineral product exportation with maximum benefits for the social-economic development. It has objectives to limit the bas...
Letter No. 1792 on requesting Altra Mirin Kiri Cambodia company to relocate exploration of mines area from Senchao area, Samlot district, Battambang province to new site in Samlot area, Battambang province.
In 2000, Altra Mirin Kiri Cambodia company signed an agreement to explore precious gems in Senchao area, Samlot district, Battambang province. The exploration took over a land a...
Prakas No. 828 on Authorization Jupiter International Resources (Cambodia) Co., Ltd to Explore Mines in O Yadav, Ratanakiri
Prakas is to approve the Jupiter International Resources (Cambodia) Co., Ltd located in house number 777 E0, Kampuchea Krom, Phnom Penh to explore the mineral resources in Ouyad...
Decision No. 1038 on Authorization the Ultra Marine Kiri (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. to Exploit Gemstones in Senchao Area, Samlout District, Battambang Province
The Decision is to approve the licence for Ultra Marine Kiri (Cambodia) Co. Ltd. located in house number 17Kor, Group 1, Mittapheap Village, Russey Keo District, Phnom Penh to E...
Prakas No. 802 on Allowing Brewer Natural Resources Development Co., Ltd to Search for Mines in Ou Yadav Loeu, Krom, Rattanakiri
Prakas is to allow Brewer Natural Resources Development Co., Ltd, located at #258, st. 156, Sangkat Teok Laork II, Khan Tuol Kouk, Phnom Penh, to explore the mineral resources f...
Decision on Authorizing Chong San Ocean Development Co., Ltd. to Conduct Construction Sand Exploitation in Kampoing Cham
Ministry of Industry, Mine and Energy (MIME) authorized Chong San Ocean Development Co., Ltd. that has address at #18H, Teuk Thlar, khan Russei Keo, Phnom Penh, to perform explo...