Prakas No.723 on the rules of using invoice
This Prakas aims to strengthen the implementation of the rules of proper use of invoices to ensure effectivity and transparency in the collection of taxes.
Circular no. 003 on the obligation to use e-invoicing via Cambodia E-Invoicing System, Phase 1, Step 1
To promote the adoption of e-invoicing, the Ministry of Economy and Finance has issued a circular outlining the mandatory transition to the Cambodia E-Invoicing System. This tra...
Prakas no. 075 on the launch of Cambodia E-Invoicing System
This Prakas aims to officially launch the Cambodia E-Invoicing System, abbreviated as CamInv, to ensure its effective, efficient, and accountable management and monitoring.
Sub-decree no. 289 on informal economy registration
This sub-decree defines the form and procedure for registering informal economy workers to determine the identity, type of work, occupation, business, and information of informa...
Instruction no. 025 on the obligation to pay taxes on the supply of goods with additional items or rewards provided by domestic goods supply enterprises
Ministry of Economy and Finance has observed that, in the past, domestic goods supply enterprises have expanded their markets by employing promotional strategies, such as supply...
Prakas no.0059 on nutrition information requirements for the labelling of pre-packaging food products
The Prakas sets out the nutrition information requirements for the labelling of pre-packaged food products to ensure that food is not circulated in the market in a fraudulent or...
Decision no.084 on formalities and procedures for calculation of pecuniary penalties on violations under law on competition
This decision sets out formalities and procedures for calculation of pecuniary penalties on violations under the Law on Competition and relevant provisions to ensure transparenc...
Prakas no.185 on information standards for consumer
This Prakas sets out the information standards on goods or services to ensure and enhance the protection of consumer's rights and interests and to promote fair competition throu...
Prakas no.095 on unfair practices in business related to advertisements and sales promotions
This Prakas outlines certain unfair business practices related to advertisements and sales promotions that were not addressed in the Law on Consumer Protection, in order to safe...
Law on Competition
This law defines activities that hinder, restrict or undermine competition, as well as establish and define the competencies of the Cambodian Competition Committee in order to e...
Law on Consumer Protection
The Consumer Protection Law aims to ensure the protection of consumers and to promote fair competition. This law is applicable to all persons who conduct business, whether profi...
Decision no. 97 on the official recognition of members for the 16 private sector working groups of the Government-Private Sector Forum
This decision aims to officially recognize members for the 16 private sector working groups of the Government-Private Sector Forum.
Decision no. 176 on the establishment of the prime minister's task force on monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of policies related to the informal economy and micro, small, and medium enterprises
The task force is assigned the roles and responsibilities: 1) act as an extension of the Prime Minister to monitor and evaluate the implementation of policies and strategies con...
Prakas no. 172 on the revision of Prakas no. 047 on adding price tags to all products and services
The Ministry of Commerce issued a Prakas to revise Prakas No 047 on adding price tags to all products and services in order to strengthen the mechanism of the deve...
Inter-Ministerial Prakas No. 316 on monetary fines under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Commerce
The inter-ministerial Prakas aims to impose monetary fines, under the authority of the Ministry of Commerce, on those who violate the Law on Commercial Rules and Commercial Regi...
Law on the amendment of the law on commercial enterprises
This law amends the Law on Commercial Enterprises, as adopted by Royal Kram No. NS/RKM/0605/019 on June 19, 2005.
Law on Commercial Enterprises
This law sets the profile of enterprises and commerce companies doing business in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Sub-decree No.84 on Business Registration through Information Technology System
This sub-decree is intended to facilitate the business environment through the establishment of information technology platform for business registration in order to contribute...
Decision No.200 on the suspension of some administrative services of the Municipality, District, Khan administration
The government has decided to suspend administrative services, which require citizens working in the informal economy to apply for a business license and resume business at the ...
Decision no.51 on the establishment of the technical working group to promote and support the digital economy and prepare for digital economy agreement
This decision decides to establish a technical working group to promote and support the digital economy and prepare for digital economy agreement.