Sub_decree No. 14 on the identification of community of Ream National Park in Ong village, Ream commune, Prey Nob district, Preah Sihanouk province
This Sub-decree aims to identify a community in Ream National Park which consists of 84.5 hectares of land in Ong village, Ream commune, Prey Nob district, Preah Sihanouk provin...
Prakas No. 092 on the recognition of "Srae Veal" Community Natural Protected Area of Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary in Srae Veal village, Thmea commune, Chey Sen district, Preah Vihear province
Srae Veal Community Natural Protected Area with the area of 2,675.4 hectares is located in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary in Srae Veal village, Thmea commu...
Prakas No. 032 on the recognition of "Ph'av" Community Natural Protected Area of Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary in Ph'av village, Anlong Phe commune, Thala Barivat district, Stung Treng province
Ph'av Community Natural Protected Area with the area of 1,119 hectares is located in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary in Ph'av village, Anlong Phe commune, Thal...
Sub-Decree No. 07 on the establishment of biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas
The Royal Government has set up a biodiversity conservation corridor of the area of 1,427,940 hectares of natural protected areas to ensure the stability and security of the eco...
Law on Forestry
This law defines the framework for management, harvesting, use, development and conservation of the forests in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Sub-decree No. 150 on determining management zone in nature protection area as sustainable use zone in Ream National Park
This Sub-decree aims to determine two areas from management zone of natural protected area in Ream National Park as sustainable use zone for development project in Prey Nob dist...
Sub-decree No. 151 on the classification of Stung Sen Core Area of Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve and the surrounding wetlands as Ramsar Stung Sen
The Ramsar Stung Sen, which is 9,293 hectares, was established from the reclassification of the Stung Sen Core Area of Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve and the surrounding wetlands. ...