Sub-decree No. 50 on the transfer of resources from the state budget to municipal/district fund
This sub-decree is intended to limit the transfer of resources from the state budget to the municipal/district fund for five (5) years from 2019 to 2023. The purpose of this sub...
Sub-decree No. 51 on the transfer of resources from the state budget to commune/sangkat fund
This sub-decree is intended to limit the transfer of resources from the state budget to the commune/sangkat fund for five (5) years from 2019 to 2023. The purpose of this sub-de...
Notification Re : Extension of Duration of the Declaration of an Emergency Situation in all areas of the Kingdom of Thailand (2nd Extension)
It is necessary to extend the period of emergency declaration for another period In which the government will assess the situation which may increase strictness or ease the enfo...
Notification Re : Extension of Duration of the Declaration of an Emergency Situation in all areas of the Kingdom of Thailand (1st Extension)
Considering that the outbreak of the communicable disease Coronavirus 2019 or COVID-19 continues to persist, though it has been under control to a certain extent, demonstrating ...
Order of the Prime Minister No. 6/2563 Re : Arrangement of the Structure of the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA)
Pursuant to the Declaration of an Emergency Situation in all areas of the Kingdom of Thailand as from 26 March B.E. 2563 (2020); In order to arrange the structure of the org...
Order of the Prime Minister No. 5 /2563 Re : Establishment of a Special Task Force to Perform Duties in Accordance with the Emergency Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situations B.E. 2548 (2005)
Pursuant to the Declaration of an Emergency Situation in all areas of the Kingdom of Thailand as from 26 March B.E. 2563 (2020); In order to remedy the emergency situation i...
Order of the Prime Minister No. 4 /2563 Re : Appointment of Supervisors, Chief Officials and Competent Officials Responsible for Remedying the Emergency Situation
Pursuant to the Declaration of an Emergency Situation in all areas of the Kingdom of Thailand as from 26 March B.E. 2563 (2020); By virtue of Section 7 paragraphs three, fou...
Official Statement of the Office of the Prime Minister RE: Declaration of an Emergency Situation pursuant to the Emergency Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situations B.E. 2548 (2005)
Official Statement of the Office of the Prime Minister RE : Declaration of an Emergency Situation pursuant to the Emergency Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situatio...
Notification Re : Prescription of Powers and Duties of Ministers as Powers and Duties of the Prime Minister
Pursuant to the Declaration of an Emergency Situation in all areas of the Kingdom of Thailand as from 26 March B.E. 2563 (2020); By virtue of Section 7 of the Emergency Decre...
Sub-decree No.105 on public procurement
This sub-decree regulates all the public procurement processes and activities in the Kingdom of Cambodia without any discrimination of the funding sources, aiming to ensure that...
Sub-decree No. 193 on the assignment of health management function and health service delivery to the capital and province administration
This sub-decree aims to improve health service delivery in a qualitative, safe, effective and equitable manner in Kingdom of Cambodia by bringing decisions and responsibilities ...
Announcement No. 92/19 on the modification of bus lines of Phnom Penh City Bus
This announcement shows the modification of 4 bus lines of Phnom Penh City Bus, including Line 1B, Line 5, Line 10 and Line 13.
Instruction No.045 on the continuous provision of correction and cancellation of civil status data
The instruction aims to instruct the relevant institutions and officials under the Ministry of Interior's supervision to assist people in the correction and cancellation of civi...
Inter-Ministerial Prakas No.14342 the Provision of Administrative Services at Sub-National Level
This Inter-Ministerial Prakas was established between Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Economy and Finance, signed on 29 December 2016. Administrative service fees provided ...
Law on public procurement
This law aims to ensure that all the processes of buying goods, construction, repairs, and renting and consulting services by the government, governmental ministries and agencie...
Joint Prakas No. 648 on the provision of public services delivered by Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction
The public services provided by the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction has been prepared as a public service list detailing the types of service, servi...
Joint Prakas No. 995 on the provision of public services delivered by Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction
The public services provided by the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction has been prepared as a public service list detailing the types of service, servi...
Inter-ministerial prakas No.14414 the provision of administrative services of the Ministry of Interior
This Inter-Ministerial Prakas was established between Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Economy and Finance, signed on 30 December 2016. Administrative service fees provided ...
Law on administration of the Capitals, Provinces, Municipalities, Districts and Khans
This law is intended to define the administration of the Capitals, Provinces, Municipalities, Districts and Khans. The Capitals, Provinces, Municipalities, Districts and Khans s...
Inter-Ministerial Prakas No. 2077 on the adjustment of the maximum duration of the provision of new model passport as stated in 14th and 15th of the annex to the Inter-Ministerial Prakas No. 14414, dated 30 December 2016 on the provision of administrative services of the Ministry of Interior
This Prakas hereby announces the adjustment of the maximum duration of the provision of new model passport as stated in 14th and 15th of the annex to the Inter-Ministerial Praka...