Instruction No. 017 on the implementation of One Window One Office identification at Commune Sangkat level
Instruction No 017 aims to implement the One Window One Office identification mechanism at Commune Sangkat level toincrease efficiency in managing individual identities and co...
National policy, strategy and action plan on energy efficiency in Cambodia
This document will outline the current energy situation and the energy related policies in Cambodia, followed by the Vision statement for energy efficiency and the national ener...
Guidelines on the collection of fees and service charges for natural resources and the environment
To realize the president's decree on fees and charges, no. 002, on 17/06/2021 Ministry of Resources and Natural Environment (MoNRE), has issued instructions "on fees and charges...
Decision No. 58 on the adjustment of the service fee of Cambodia post
This decision was amended and put into service for postal service in Cambodia.
Inter-Ministerial Prakas No. 413 on upgrading and establishing medical facilities
The Inter-Ministerial Prakas shows about the upgrading in status from Level 1 to Level 2 of four referral hospitals in Ratanakiri, Siem Reap, Banteay Meanchey and Kep, and the e...
Prakas No.1461 on formality of issuing regular passports, dated on 28 April 2014
This Prakas aims to determine the procedures and conditions for applying for a regular passport for citizens in accordance with the law.
Prakas No.65 on amendment to Article 3 of Prakas No.6375 dated on 29 July 2015, on procedure and conditions for requesting, issuing and using Khmer identity card, date 13 January 2016
This Prakas aims to make the amendment to Article 3 of Prakas No.6375 dated on 29 July 2015, on procedure and conditions for requesting, issuing and using Khmer identity card.
Prakas No.6375 on the procedure, conditions for requesting the provision and use of Khmer nationality identity card dated 29 July 2015
This Prakas aims to determine the procedures and conditions for applying for the provision and use of a Cambodian identity card to ensure the implementation of obligations, rig...
Sub-Decree No.106 on the amendment of article 1 new of Sub-Decree No. 270 dated 30 November 2011 on the amendment of article 1 and Article 7 of Sub-Decree No. 60 dated 12 June 2007 on Khmer Identity Card
This sub-decree make an amendment of article 1 new of sub-decree No. 270 dated 30 November 2011 on the amendment of article 1 and Article 7 of Sub-Decree No. 60 dated 12 June 20...
Prakas of Inter-Ministerial No. 0149 on the implementation of additional guidelines on technical guidelines on the preparation and establishment of 3-year rolling program in capital, provincial, municipal, district, khan and commune
This prokas set out additional guideline on the technical guideline to prepare and establish the 3 year rolling program in different level.
Decision No. 224 on the recognition of the sub-committees of the national committee for sub-national democratic development
This decision lists the composition of the sub-committees of the national committee for sub-national democratic development. Each sub-committee shall fulfill his/her dut...
Budget System Reform Strategy (2018‐2025)
The fundamental objective of the Budget System Reform Strategies 2018‐2025 is to move forward to implement Performance Budgeting in accordance with the strategic direction of p...
Instruction of Inter-Ministerial on the registering procedure of non-risky handicrafts with capital over 80 million riels to 200 million riels
This instruction aims to introduce the procedures of registration of non-risky handicrafts and small enterprises with a total capital of more than 80 mill...
Sub-decree No. 111 on the organization and functioning of the sub-committees of the national committee for sub-national democratic development
This sub-decree aims to identify the organization and functioning of the sub-committees of the National Committee for Democratic Development at the sub-nati...
Instruction No. 001 on the formality and procedure of registration and residence management
This instruction aims to guide the formalities and procedures of registration and residence management to be more effective in implementation as to contribu...
Prakas No. 152 of Inter-Ministerial on the organization and functioning of health departments of municipal and provincial administration
This Prakas aims to organize the functioning of health departments at municipal and provincial administration through the re-structure on roles, responsibili...
Instruction No. 002 of the Inter-Ministerial on the implementation of administrative services in industry and handicraft sector of Municipal/District/Khan administration
This instruction aims to strengthen effectiveness of the administrative management in providing administrative services and local development. In this instruc...
Prakas No. 2884 on the transfer of authority on the provision of residence and family record books
This Prakas aims to identify the transfer of authority on the provision of residence and family record books to streamline the ease and speed of registering the residence and fa...
Sub-decree No. 25 on the Management of Capital/Provincial Revenue of One Window Service Unit
This sub-decree is intended to enhance the effectiveness of revenue management gaining from administrative and other public services through the assignment ...
Notification of the Digital Government Development Committee RE: Standard and Criteria for Public Disclosure of Government Data in the Form of Public Digital Data
It is necessary to set standard and criteria for public disclosure of Government data for the benefit of people to access to information and set guidelines and standards for gov...