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36 laws_records found

Topics: Environment and natural resources policy and administration

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  • National Environmental Policy of Myanmar 2019

    The Policy provides long-term guidance for government organizations, civil society, the private sector and development partners on the achievement of environmental protection an...

  • Law on Environmental Protection, 2012 (Lao PDR)

    The Environmental Protection Law defines principles, regulations and measures related to environmental management, monitoring of protection, control, preservation and rehabilita...

  • Decree of the President of the Lao People's Democratic Republic On the Promulgation of the Property Law

    “Property” [in respect of any asset] means the total and definite right of the State, collectives, individuals, and private persons and entities over such asset in terms of poss...

  • Environmental Protection Law

    The Environmental Protection Law specifies necessary principles, regulations and measures for managing, monitoring, restoring1 and protecting the environment in order to protect...

  • Decision on the Establishment and Management of Zoos, Wildlife farms, the breeding of wild animals and plants, and rehabilitation centres [Lao PDR]

    The Decision, which is posted on the official gazette, permits individuals, legal entities and organisations to establish and operate zoos, wildlife farms, and wild fauna and fl...

  • Sub-Decree No. 42 on the air pollution control and noise disturbance

    This sub-decree has a purpose to protect the environment quality and public health from air pollution and noise disturbance through monitoring, curb and mitigation activities.

  • Sub-Decree No.72 on the Environmental Impact Assessment Process

    The main objectives of this sub-decree are: - To determine an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) upon every private and public project or activity, and it ...

  • Resolution No. 24-NQ/TW Active in response to climate change, improvement of natural resource management and environmental protection

    Resolution No. 24-NQ/TW Active in response to climate change, improvement of natural resource management and environmental protection issued by Central Executive Committee, at 7...

  • Law on Environmental Protection and Management of Natural Resources

    The objectives of this law are to protect and upgrade the environment quality and public health by means of prevention, reduction and control of pollution, to make assessment im...

  • Enhancement and Conservation of National Environmental Quality Act

    The defines key terms relating to Environmental Quality and outlines regulations to govern the enhancement and conservation of the National Environment.

  • Sub-Decree No. 36 on Solid Waste Management

    The purpose of this sub-decree is to regulate the solid waste management with proper technical manner and safe way in order to ensure the protection of human health and the c...

  • Royal Decree on the Establishment of the Tonle Sap Basin Management Authority

    The purpose of this Royal Decree is about the Establishment of the Tonle Sap Basin Management Authority in the Kingdom of Cambodia.

  • Sub-Decree on Amending the Composition of the National Committee for Formulating and Implementing Forest Policy

    This sub-decree revised Article 2 of Sub-decree No. 33, dated 3 July 1996 on the composition of the National Committee for Formulating and Implementing Forest Policy.

  • Law on Biosafety

    The objectives of this law are to implement the precautionary approach on biosafety; prevent adverse impacts on the conservation of biodiversity and natural resources in Ca...

  • Draft Law on Environment Impact Assessment: 6th Revision

    This dataset has no description

  • Draft Law on Environment Impact Assessment: 7th Revision

    This dataset has no description

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