Strategic Directions for Myanmar Agriculture Sector 2018-2023
An outline of the proposed Agricultural Development Strategy and Investment Plan, alongside some background on the process behind its drafting, and steps towards reform of the A...
The Law of the Protection of Farmer Rights and Enhancement of their Benefits
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Prakas No. 400 on the establishment of a fisheries refugia for mackerel protection in Peam Krasaob, Koh Kong Province
A new fisheries refugia for mackerel protection was established. It covers a fishery zone with total area of 1,283 ha in Peam Krasaob, Koh Kong province. This fisheries refugia ...
Decision No. 1690/QD-TTg approving Vietnam’s fisheries development strategy through 2020
This decision approves Vietnam's fisheries development strategy through 2020 with the following contents: - 1. To develop fisheries into a commodity production industry with pr...
ASEAN Integrated Food Security (AIFS) Framework and Strategic Plan of Action on Food Security in the ASEAN Region (SPA-FS) 2015-2020
The goal of AIFS Framework and SPA-FS 2015-2020 is to ensure long-term food security and nutrition, to improve the livelihoods of farmers in the ASEAN region. The SPA-FS shall c...
Sub-Decree No. 25 on Community Fisheries Management
This Sub Decrees states about the rules and procedures to establish and manage the fisheries community in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Sub-Decree on the Agricultural Census in Cambodia 2013
This sub-decree aims to strengthen and improve the agricultural statistical system in order to obtain information in all aspects of the agricultural sector and provide basic dat...
Sub-Decree on the Contract Farming
This sub-decree aims to determine the contract farming involves agricultural production in the Kingdom of Cambodia .
Sub-Decree on the Establishment of Cambodia Food Reserve System
This sub-decree established the Cambodia Food Reserve System with the purpose to save people affected by disasters or other emergencies in a timely manner.
Sub-Decree on the Lease of Fresh Water and Sea Fishing Domains for Exploitation
The sub-decree specifies requirements for the lease of public waters for fishing purposes as follows: (1) the fishing rights of the public waters shall be leased out by public a...
Royal Decree on the Establishment of Community Fisheries
The purpose of this Royal Decree to guide about the rights of Khmer citizens to establish community fisheries in their own local areas, on a voluntary basis and taking the initi...
Sub-Decree on the Management and Administration of Agricultural Land
The law manages land for agricultural purposes, such as farmlands, plains, peasants, highlands, terraced lands, licensed forest lands, riverside lands, islands, natural grasslan...
Kret-Chbab on Fishery Management
The purpose of this law is to manage fishery resources, including animal and living creatures which are born and live within the fishery boundaries.
Law on Seed Management and the Rights of Plant Breeders
The law is intended to govern and control the breach, release, production, processing, registration, distribution, import and export of crops and to protect new varieties of cro...
Law on Farming Community
The law is intended to determine the establishment, management and support mechanism of the agricultural community, Union, Community, Agriculture and Coalition of Cambodian Comm...
Law on the Establishment of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
The purpose of this law is to institutionlize the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and to define its framework, responsibilities and obligations.
Sub-Decree on Cancellation and Reduction in Boundaries of the Fishing Lots for the Benefits of the People in Family-Scale Fishing
This sub-decree aims to make amendments on the ministerial circular No.0040 dated 24 May 1989 issued by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries by abolishing Boeung Pre...
Prakas on the Rubber Seeds Certification and Rubber Plant Materials Business
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Joint Declaration on the Illegal Fishery Record Form
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Decision on the Limiting Marine Fishing Fee
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