Prakas no. 008 on the establishment of the community protected area "Prang Chamkar Kraom"
Prakas no. 008 on the establishment of the community protected area "Prang Chamkar Kraom" in multiple use areas in Prang village, Dang Peaeng commune and Chamkar Kraom village, ...
Prakas no. 009 on the establishment of the community protected area "Chroy Svay"
Prakas no. 009 on the establishment of "Chroy Svay" Community Protected Areas of multi-use areas in Chheu Neang village, Saray village, Phnum Sralau village, Kampong Sdam villag...
Prakas no. 108 on the recognition of the community protected area "Andoung Tuek"
Prakas no. 108 on the recognition of the community protected area "Andoung Tuek" Protected Areas in Botum Sakor National Park in Prai village, Chi Treh village, Ta Ok village, P...
Prakas no. 230 on delegation of power to decide on behalf of the Ministry for investment projects to Provincial / Municipal Departments of Environment
This Prakas gives the Provincial or Municipal Department of Environment the right to review, comment on, and decide on the initial or complete environmental impact assessment re...
Sub-decree no. 179 on the establishment of Srae Ambel Special Economic Zone
This sub-decree establishes a special economic zone in Srae Ambel district, located in the fishing village of Chrouy Svay commune, Srae Ambel district, Koh Kong province. The Sr...
Sub-decree no. 173 on the land reclassification and transfer of state property
This sub-decree details the cutting of land from the state property inventory of Green Trade company to be allocated to the public for distribution to citizens and to designate ...
Sub-decree no. 167 on the land reclassification and donation of state public property
This sub-decree shows the land reclassification of 1,350 square meters (one thousand three hundred and fifty) under the administration of Sangkat Prey Chhlak, located in Sala C...
Royal-decree no. 1024/1309 on honorific of Oknha
This Royal-decree determines the principles of conditions and procedures to provide the honorific of Oknha, as an emblem of individuals, a Cambodian citizen, with advantages of ...
Development Cooperation and Partnerships Strategy (2024 - 2028)
The Development Cooperation and Partnerships Strategy 2024-2028 has the objective to establish a framework for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of development cooperat...
Prakas no.625 on the amendment of Article 3 of Prakas no.071 MEF.Prk.GDT, dated 30 January 2024, on incentives for voluntary revision of tax returns
This Prakas aims to amend Article 3 of Prakas No. 071 MEF.Prk.GDT, dated 30 January 2024, on incentives for the voluntary revision of tax returns.
Prakas no. 626 on tax incentives on businesses in the tourism sector in Siem Reap province
This Prakas aims to provide tax incentives to businesses in the tourism sector in Siem Reap province, in line with the government's intervention measures to support the tourism ...
Notification no.014 on the continuing and additional tax incentives in the real estate sector
To reduce the tax burden on residential development companies and citizens who own real estate, Ministry of Economy and Finance is honored to inform real estate owners and the g...
Prakas no.0059 on nutrition information requirements for the labelling of pre-packaging food products
The Prakas sets out the nutrition information requirements for the labelling of pre-packaged food products to ensure that food is not circulated in the market in a fraudulent or...
Decision no.084 on formalities and procedures for calculation of pecuniary penalties on violations under law on competition
This decision sets out formalities and procedures for calculation of pecuniary penalties on violations under the Law on Competition and relevant provisions to ensure transparenc...
Circular on encouraging banks and financial institutions to facilitate the opening of savings accounts and the offering of financial services to micro, small, and medium enterprises and self-employed individuals
National Bank of Cambodia instructs all banks and financial institutions to facilitate the opening of bank accounts for micro enterprises and self-employed individuals in the fo...
Notification no.001 on the continuing tax exemption, additional tax relief, extension and postponement of tax implementation for the real estate sector
In accordance with the decision of Royal Government of Cambodia at the 19th Government-Private Sector Forum on 13 November 2023, Ministry of Economy and Finance is honored to in...
Sub-decree no. 53 on the regulation of international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora
This sub-decree aims to establish procedures and mechanisms for the management of the export, import, re-export and importation of wildlife specimens in accordance with the inte...
Sub-decree no. 153 on the organization and implementation of the master plan for the coordination committee of the inter-ministerial development of Preah Sihanouk province as a model multi-purpose special economic zone and development of coastal provinces of Cambodia as multi-purpose economic and connected zones
This sub-decree aims to determine the organization and functioning of the Inter-Ministerial Coordinating Committee for the preparation and implementation of the Sihanoukville De...
Law on food safety
This law establishes the frameworks and mechanisms for managing and ensuring the safety, quality, hygiene, and compliance of food at all stages of the production chain, with the...
Prakas no.185 on information standards for consumer
This Prakas sets out the information standards on goods or services to ensure and enhance the protection of consumer's rights and interests and to promote fair competition throu...