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Topics: Economy and commerce

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  • E-Commerce in Cambodia 2024

    These comprehensive slides were prepared by PROFITENCE (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. to provide an overview of Cambodia’s e-commerce landscape in 2024, highlighting key challenges, initi...

  • Start a Startup: A Guide for Cambodia’s Future Founders

    The “Start a Startup: A Guide for Cambodia’s Future Founders” is a guidance aimed to provide essential knowledge for those who are interested in learning more about startups and...

  • The Path to Success: How Women-Owned Businesses Transform in the Era of Digitalization

    This case study, titled “The Path to Success: How Women-Owned Businesses Transform in the Era of Digitalization,” was jointly prepared by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and Woom...

  • Guidebook on the application process for permits or electronic commercial licenses on the information technology platform

    This guidebook on the application process for permits or electronic commercial licenses on the information technology platform aims to provide general information related to e-c...

  • White paper on universal trusted credentials: Transforming access to finance for MSMEs and beyond

    This report outlines the transformative potential of UTCs and describes the UTC framework, potential use cases, coordination structures, recommended policies, and modes of engag...

  • Panel Discussion 1 on "Evolving Concepts of ESG, Legislation, and Incentives in Cambodia" at the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on ESG Reporting for Sustainable Development in Cambodia

    This video is the panel discussion 1 on the topic: "Evolving Concepts of ESG, Legislation, and Incentives in Cambodia" at the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on ESG Reporting for Sus...

  • ESG, legal framework, and incentives in Cambodia

    This slide presentation allows the public to explore five essential areas of focus. It begins by examining fundamental business concepts, followed by an in-depth look at ESG (En...

  • Panel Discussion 2 on "From ESG Theory and Reporting to Practical Implementation and Impact" at the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on ESG Reporting for Sustainable Development in Cambodia

    This video is the panel discussion 2 on "From ESG Theory and Reporting to Practical Implementation and Impact" at the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on ESG Reporting for Sustainable...

  • Introduction to key concepts of environmental, social and governance (ESG)

    This slide presentation provides key information about the Fair Finance Cambodia (FFC) project, an introduction to sustainability and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)...

  • Sustainable information disclosure: Policies and practices in China

    This slide presentation delves into the sustainable information disclosure practices and policies implemented in China. It showcases timelines detailing the implementation of ES...

  • ESG: Global and Cambodia's context

    This slide presentation covers the principle of ESG, which stands for environmental, social, and governance, and encompasses a set of criteria utilized to assess an organization...

  • Research study into the impact of new digital and technology laws on small-midsized enterprises (SMEs)

    Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC) collaborated with William & Mary Law School in the United States to conduct a research study into the impact of new digital and tech...

  • Country overview: Myanmar

    Dramatic changes took place in Myanmar beginning in 2011 that began a transition in this country from half a century of military rule to a hybrid system of government with compe...

  • Responsible Business Conduct in Cambodia – A Textbook

    The textbook was designed as an introduction to RBC at a basic to intermediary level given the novelty of the topic for most readers. The primary targets of the textbook are law...

  • Economic census in the Kingdom of Cambodia 2022

    The 2022 Economic Census aims to establish a comprehensive list of major national economic entities for the use of enterprise surveys and economic censuses in the Kingdom of Cam...

  • Budget in brief fiscal year 2024

    The Law on Financial Management 2024 aims to support the implementation of the political platform and the Pentagonal Strategy-Phase 1 of the Royal Government of Cambodia, partic...

  • Survey report : Cambodia's attractiveness for EU foreign direct investment

    This report seeks to identify which factors would drive European investment into Cambodia, the priorities of the European private sector when investing in Cambodia, and the barr...

  • Guideline for exporting bananas from Cambodia to China

    In August 2018 the Government of People’s Republic China and the Kingdom of Cambodia signed a protocol of Phytosanitary Requirements for the export of Musa supientum (common nam...

  • Cambodia digital economy and business monitoring and evaluation framework

    This monitoring and evaluation framework has been developed to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of digital transformation and as a guide in the implementation of the mo...

  • Myanmar Economic Monitor: Navigating Uncertainty_January 2023

    Myanmar has experienced significant macroeconomic volatility over the past six months. Economic activity has continued to be disrupted by persistent conflict, which has had deva...

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