Data Literacy Module 6: Data Security and Digital Rights
Data literacy is the ability to read, understand, work with, analyze, and argue with data. It is also the ability to derive meaningful information from data. Data literacy is no...
Data Literacy Module 5: Thinking Like a Data Journalist
Data literacy is the ability to read, understand, work with, analyze, and argue with data. It is also the ability to derive meaningful information from data. Data literacy is no...
Data Literacy Module 4: Visualizing Data
Data literacy is the ability to read, understand, work with, analyze, and argue with data. It is also the ability to derive meaningful information from data. Data literacy is no...
Data Literacy Module 3: Understanding Data
Data literacy is the ability to read, understand, work with, analyze, and argue with data. It is also the ability to derive meaningful information from data. Data literacy is no...
Data Literacy Module 2: Finding Data, Data Collection & Data Formats
Data literacy is the ability to read, understand, work with, analyze, and argue with data. It is also the ability to derive meaningful information from data. Data literacy is no...
Data Literacy Module 1: From Evidence to Stories
Data literacy is the ability to read, understand, work with, analyze, and argue with data. It is also the ability to derive meaningful information from data. Data literacy is no...
Map Use and Reading Textbook for Secondary Education Program
This map reading and using textbook was developed by the Department of Information Technology (DIT) in collaboration with the Open Development Cambodia (ODC) for the public seco...
Building Capacities for Evolving Geospatial Needs in Myanmar, MIMU Symposium
The rapid expansion of geospatial technology has brought the need for new skills to be able to understand and apply the newly available tools – not just for GIS professionals bu...
An assessment of early grade teaching quality in Cambodia
This assessment report identifies priority quality Teaching and Learning in School (QTLS) interventions to address the “learning crisis” in relation to Cambodia, and improve lea...
Summative GPE country program evaluation, batch 5, country 14: Kingdom of Cambodia
This evaluation is part of a larger study of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) that comprises 30 country level evaluations (CLEs). The overall study runs from 2017 unti...
Rural-urban migration and employment quality: A case study from Thailand
This study investigates the effects of rural–urban migration on economic development in Thailand. It draws upon a panel database of 2,000 rural households collected from 2008 to...
Vietnam 2035: Toward Prosperity, Creativity, Equity and Democracy
The year 2015 marks 70 years since Vietnam’s Declaration of Independence, 40 years since Reunification, and just short of 30 years from the launch of Doi Moi, which catapulted t...
Vietnam's Future Jobs : Leveraging Mega-Trends for Greater Prosperity : Main Report
Vietnam's 50 million jobs are a cornerstone of its economic success. The transformation toward services and manufacturing, and impressive labor productivity and wage growth led ...
Public Education Statistics and Indicators (2017-2018)
The Education Statistics and Indicators 2017-2018 Book provides basic information regarding public schools including pre-school, primary, and secondary education in Cambodia. Th...
Education Statistics and Indicators (2015-2016)
The Education Statistics and Indicators 2015-2016 Book provides basic information regarding public schools such as pre-school, primary, and secondary education in Cambodia. The ...
Public Education Statistics and Indicators 2018-2019
The Education Statistics and Indicators 2018-2019 Book provides basic information regarding public schools including pre-school, primary, and secondary education in Cambodia. Th...
Public Education Statistics and Indicators 2016-2017
The Education Statistics and Indicators 2016-2017 Book provides basic information regarding public schools including pre-school, primary, and secondary education in Cambodia. On...
ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2018
The ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2018 is the fourteenth issue of the publication, since the series started in 2001. Prepared by the Statistics Division of the ASEAN Secretariat, t...
ASEAN Key Figures 2018
The ASEAN Key Figures 2018 is the inaugural issue of a new publication by the Statistics Division (ASEAN stats) of the ASEAN Secretariat. The publication provides rea...
Education for All 2015 National Review Report: Lao Peoples Democratic Republic
This report, National EFA 2015 Review Report, presents the progress made in achieving the six EFA goals with available disaggregated information. Furthermore, it describes the c...