Cambodia's Voluntary National Review of Implementation of the Sustainable Development Agenda
The presentation on Cambodia Voluntary National Review (VNR) 2019 was prepared by Ministry of Planning, delegation of the Royal Government of Cambodia, to present at the High Le...
Brief profile of Cambodian organization working in the field of research and natural resource management
This is a brief profile of Cambodian organisations working in the field of research and natural resource management. Those include research institutes, government institutions a...
Fast-wood plantations, economic concessions and local livelihoods in Cambodia
This report presents the results of field-research conducted by the Environmental Forum Core Team between September 2004 and April 2005 in four economic c...
Mobile Phones and Internet Use in Cambodia 2016
This study examines Cambodian phone users’ knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to Khmer-language reading, writing, and search habits, and identifies the factors motiv...
Smartphone Video Training Manual
This manual book is produced by Development Innovations in Cambodia, using for basic video training course. This book gives the instruction of how to understand audience, create...
CCHR briefing note: Land reform
This briefing note provides an overview and analysis of how the Kingdom of Cambodia’s (“Cambodia”) recent history has adversely affected the development of land ownership and r...
Indigenous response to depletion in natural resources: A study of two Stieng villages in Snoul district, Kratie province
This ADI research seeks to trace the depletion of natural resources in two indigenous Stieng villages in Snoul District of Kratie province and to document the responses that hav...
List of valid domestic construction companies by June 25, 2019
According to this document, the total of domestic construction companies type 1 (big) is 53 companies. Domestic construction companies of type 2 (medium) have a total of 87 ente...
List of valid foreign construction companies by June 25, 2019
According to this document, the construction companies of type 1 (big) have 113 companies, companies of type 2 (medium) have a total of 24 companies, and companies of type 3 (sm...
KrisEnergy annual report 2017
The KrisEnergy 2017 annual report was structured with the overall review, financial review, portfolio and technical review, governance and sustainability report. According to th...
List of health facilities signed the agreement for occupational risk scheme with the national social security fund
List of health facilities signed the agreement for occupational risk scheme with the national social security fund shows the name of health facility, ambulance, contact, phone n...
A turning point? Land, housing and natural resources rights in 2012
Whereas 2011 had seen a sharp increase in the number of Economic Land Concessions (ELCs) granted by the Royal Government of Cambodia to private companies, in 2012 conflicts beca...
Building on a foundation stone: The long-term of a local infrastructure and governance program in Cambodia
The report studies long-term democracy and human rights assistance, the focus in this report is on a specific programme (Seila) for decentralization, local democracy and local e...
Cambodia MDG Acceleration Framework (MAF): Promoting Women's Economic Empowerment
Gender equality and empowerment of women are key national development objectives in Cambodia as reflected in the Government’s Rectangular Strategy (RS) and the National Strategi...
Census of agriculture of the Kingdom of Cambodia 2013
The main objective of the Census of Agriculture of the Kingdom of Cambodia (CAC) 2013 was to provide data on the temporal agricultural situation in the Kingdom of Cambodia to be...
Small-scale gold mining in Cambodia: A situation assessment
This report documents the current situation of the gold mining sector in Cambodia based on the results of a survey conducted by the Department of Geology in four gold mining are...
Rural electrification by renewable energy in Cambodia
Power sector development policy was formulated in 1994, while energy strategic plan 1999-2016 was drafted and it was revised for 2004-2020. There is considerable potential of Ca...
Cambodia's National Forest Programme: Framework document
Cambodia's National Forest Programme is developed under observation of the principles for national forest programmes asset out by the UN Forum on Forests, as well as by national...
Rapid socio-economic and hydrological assessment of Prey Lang forest
Rapid socio-economic and hydrological assessment of Prey Lang forest identifies the three principle components of focus: socio-economics, hydrology and the Prey Lang forest. The...
Annual report on power sector of the Kingdom of Cambodia 2012 edition
The Annual Report on Power Sector of the Kingdom of Cambodia 2012 Edition is compiled from informations for the year 2011 collected by EAC and information received from licensee...